High Launch Switching Activity Reduction in At-Speed Scan Testing Using CTX: A Clock-Gating-Based Test Relaxation and X-Filling Scheme
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At-speed scan testing is susceptible to yield loss risk due to power supply noise caused by excessive launch switching activity. This paper proposes a novel two-stage scheme, namely CTX (Clock-Gating-Based Test Relaxation and X-Filling), for reducing switching activity when a test stimulus is launched. Test relaxation and X-filling are conducted (1) to make as many FFs as possible inactive by disabling corresponding clock control signals of clock-gating circuitry in Stage-1 (Clock-Disabling), and (2) to equalize the input and output values in Stage-2of as many remaining active FFs as possible (FF-Silencing). CTX effectively reduces launch switching activity and thus yield loss risk even when only a small number of dont care (X) bits are present (as in test compression) without any impact on test data volume, fault coverage, performance, or circuit design.
Kyushu Institute of Technology
WEN Xiaoqing
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Kyushu Institute of Technology
GIRARD Patrick
WANG Laung-Terng
University of Connecticut
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