植物由来乳酸菌Lactobacillus sakei発酵野菜と利用
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Vegetables fermented with lactic acid bacteria have particular flavor and tastes contributed by the bacteria. This report deals with the isolation of a plant origin Lactobacillus sakei HS-1 from a well know fermented food called as Kimchi and the application as a starter culture in the productions of fermented vegetables and typical Japanese tsukemono to determine the improvement in taste and probiotic properties of the strain. In addition to the known organoleptic properties of the fi ber and umami flavor found in fermented vegetables tsukemono, the metabolic products from the L. sakei starter culture will make possible the production of low 1.5 % salt fermented vegetables. The lactic acid fermentation will result in a low salt product with improved umami flavor making it possible to consume the product like a fresh salad. The viable L. sakei will also act as a probiotic to reduce the unwanted bacteria in the intestinal tract. This report shows some of the results.(1) L. sakei HS-1 was used to ferment white chinese cabbage kimchi. The microbial growth was rapid and a pH change was seen. On the 4th day of fermentation the level of coliforms was negative. ( 2) Three types of fermented vegetables; Asazuke cucumber, diced cabbage and diced chinese cabbage kimchi were made with L.sakei and without.(3) The consumption of L. sakei fermented vegetables will improve bowel movement and there was a tendency to lose weight. Stools were tested for viable lactic acid bacteria and found in 88% order. This L. sakei is a homofermentative bacteria so no gas is formed in the intestine.
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