Effects of Root-volume Restriction and Salinity on the Fruit Yield and Quality of Processing Tomato
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effects of four root-volume restrictions (1, 6, 16, and 26 L per plant) and water and salinity stresses on the yield and quality of processing tomato (Solatium lycopersicum Mill. 'NDM051TM'), including the y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) content, were investigated under open-field and greenhouse conditions with a fertigation system. In open-field conditions, salinity treatment of EC 5 dS/m in nutrient solution did not increase the total soluble solids (TSS) or GABA content. In salinity treatment of nutrient solution (EC 7 dS/m), TSS (Brix %) was 57% higher and GABA content was 22% higher than non-salinity treatment in a greenhouse. Under open-field conditions, salinity treatment (EC 7 dS/m) and the soil water level of pF 2.7 increased the TSS, but only to 7.0 Brix %, lower than that observed under the salinity-stress conditions in a greenhouse. In addition, salinity stress did not increase the GABA content of tomato fruits under open-field conditions, but tended to increase TSS and GABA under salinity stress with 1 and 6L root-volume restriction treatment than in 16 L and 26 L treatment. In addition, root-volume restriction suppressed the growth of shoots, especially lateral-shoot elongation, and also decreased the number of tomato fruits produced, but the effects of root-volume restriction on fruit yield were less than salinity stress.
藤井 崇
EZURA Hiroshi
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, University of Tsukuba
江面 浩
江面 浩
Saito Takeshi
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Iikubo Takuya
College of Agrobiological Resources, University of Tsukuba
Inai Shuji
Nippon Del Monte Corporation
Fujii Takashi
Nippon Del Monte Corporation
Konishi Chiaki
Nippon Del Monte Corporation
江面 浩
筑波大 大学院生命環境科学研究科 遺伝子実験セ
Fukuda Naoya
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Fukuda Naoya
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Science University Of Tsukuba
Ezura Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sci. Univ. Of Tsukuba
Fujibuchi T
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Ehime University School Of Medicine
斎藤 岳士
Fujibuchi Taketsugu
Department Of Orthopaedic Surgery Ehime University School Of Medicine
Saito Takeshi
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
江面 浩
Iikubo Takuya
College Of Agrobiological Resources University Of Tsukuba:(present Office)fuji-tobu Agriculture Offi
Fujimura Tatsuhito
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Ezura Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Life And Environment Sciences Univ. Of Tsukuba
Saito Takeshi
Graduate Department Of Gene Science Faculty Of Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Fukuda Naoya
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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