Biochemical Mechanism on GABA Accumulation During Fruit Development in Tomato
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-09-01
Aoki Koh
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
柴田 大輔
EZURA Hiroshi
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
江面 浩
江面 浩
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
江面 浩
筑波大 大学院生命環境科学研究科 遺伝子実験セ
Iijima Yoko
Kazusa Dna Research Institute
Iijima Yoko
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst. Chiba Jpn
Matsukura Chiaki
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Ezura Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sci. Univ. Of Tsukuba
Ashihara Hiroshi
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University
Ashihara Hiroshi
Department Of Advanced Biosciences Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
KOIKE Satoshi
Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
FUJIMURA Tatsuhito
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Shibata Daisuke
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Tsugane Taneaki
Chiba Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
江面 浩
Aoki Koh
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst. Chiba Jpn
Shibata D
Graduate School Of Life Sciences Tohoku University
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
TANI Ryoji
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
AKAMA Kazuhito
Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University
Akama Kazuhito
Faculty Of Life And Environmental Science Shimane University
Akihiro Takashi
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Tani Ryoji
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Koike Satoshi
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Fujimura Tatsuhito
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Matsukura Chiaki
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Tominaga Takehiro
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Shibata Daisuke
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst. Chiba Jpn
Ashihara Hiroshi
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
Fujimura Tatsuhito
Nippon Del Monte Corp.
Shibata Daisuke
Kazusa Dna Res. Inst.
Aoki Koh
Kazusa Dna Res. Institutes
Iijima Yoko
Kazusa Dna Res. Institutes
Watanabe Shin
Graduate School Of Life And Environmental Sciences University Of Tsukuba
Ezura Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Life And Environment Sciences Univ. Of Tsukuba
Koike Satoshi
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Ashihara Hiroshi
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
青木 考
Matsukura Chiaki
Graduate School of Life and Environment Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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- 赤・青色光がペチュニアの花成に及ぼす影響
- 塩ストレス処理が養液栽培トマト果実の糖代謝酵素の活性に及ぼす影響
- 植物バイオ燃料をめぐる視点
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- Metabolite Profiling of Chalcones and Flavanones in Tomato Fruit
- 植物ゲノミクス (植物の代謝コミュニケーション--植物分子生理学の新展開) -- (ポストシークエンスアプローチ)
- ポストゲノム時代における工業原材料開発に役立つ植物代謝経路の解明とその利用 (第21回 バイオテクノロジー シンポジウム 予稿集) -- (ポスターセッションの部 植物の物質生産プロセス制御基盤技術開発)
- (249) 生物防除微生物Pythium oligandrumの卵胞子懸濁液および細胞壁タンパクエリシターを処理したトマト・イネ・ジャガイモにおける遺伝子発現変動の解析(平成18年度日本植物病理学会大会講演要旨)
- 9-5 シロイヌナズナのAl障害機構のトランスクリプトーム(9. 植物の無機栄養, 2006年度秋田大会講演要旨)
- KaPPA-View:トランスクリプトームおよびメタボロームの定量的データを植物の代謝経路マップ上で統合するツール
- 4. バイオインフォマティクスの農学への応用(植物栄養学研究へのゲノム科学のインパクト)
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- ゲノム時代の植物バイオテクノロジーの動向 (日本応用細胞生物学研究会設立20周年記念、学会移行記念シンポジウム 21世紀いかに細胞を利用応用するか--応用細胞生物学の新展開--講演要旨) -- (どうする植物バイオ--産業界との接点)
- Mutant Resources for the Miniature Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 'Micro-Tom'
- イオンストレス下におけるシロイヌナズナ根伸長の系統間差データベース構築(9. 植物の無機栄養, 2004年度大会講演要旨集)
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- Non-biased distribution of tomato genes with no counterparts in Arabidopsis thaliana in expression patterns during fruit maturation
- MiBASE : A database of a miniature tomato cultivar Micro-Tom
- Ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis of Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom for large-scale mutant screens
- Metabolic Alterations in Organic Acids and γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Developing Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Fruits
- Biochemical Mechanism on GABA Accumulation During Fruit Development in Tomato
- Inclusion of Tomato in the Genus Solanum as "Solanum lycopersicum" is Evident from Phylogenetic Studies
- KAGIANA : An Excel-Based Tool for Retrieving Summary Information on Arabidopsis Genes
- Efficient and High-Throughput Vector Construction and Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana Suspension-Cultured Cells for Functional Genomics
- Genomic Databases for Tomato
- P11-14 ミヤコグサのイオンストレス応答のトランスクリプトーム解析(ポスター紹介,11.植物の有害元素,2010年度北海道大会)
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- Generation of pink flower varieties from blue Torenia hybrida by redirecting the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway from delphinidin to pelargonidin
- ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト・トマト(NBRPトマト) : 研究を支えるバイオリソースの整備
- A simple method for purifying undenatured miraculin from transgenic tomato fruit
- Efficient plant regeneration from protoplasts of eggplant rootstock cultivar and its wild relatives
- cDNAを活用した植物機能ゲノミクス (特集2 バイオリソースとしてのcDNAフル活用!!)
- Comparative and Stability Analyses of 9- and 13-Oxo-octadecadienoic Acids in Various Species of Tomato
- A simple method for purifying undenatured miraculin from transgenic tomato fruit
- TOMATOMA : A Novel Tomato Mutant Database Distributing Micro-Tom Mutant Collections
- Cultivation under salt stress increases the concentration of recombinant miraculin in transgenic tomato fruit, resulting in an increase in purification efficiency
- High-Throughput Cryopreservation of Plant Cell Cultures for Functional Genomics
- Characterization of Jatropha curcas lignins
- ナス科ゲノム国際研究コンソーシアム : トマトのゲノミクスと新しい園芸研究戦略