Si Barrier Metal Growth by Hybrid Radical Beam-Pulsed Laser Deposition of TiN
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Hybrid radical beam-pulsed laser deposition(PLD)of titanium nitride(TiN)has been demonstrated for the growth of Si barrier metal. A combination of PLD and nitrogen radical beam has grown high-quality TiN films on Si(100)substrate without silicidation at the interface between the TiN thin film and Si substrate. Additionally, silicidation was suppressed even at growth temperatures up to 900°C. Diffusion barrier characteristics of the grown film were examined by the deposition of aluminum(Al)thin films of about 400nm thickness on the TiN grown films, followed by post-thermal treatment at 500°C for 30min. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)observation and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy(RBS)analysis revealed that sharp interfaces of both Al/TiN and TiN/Si were maintained after the thermal treatment, indicating excellent properties of the TiN films as a Si barrier metal.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2000-12-30
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Riken, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
TAKAI Hiroshi
Tokyo Denki University
Takai H
Tokyo Denki University
Toyoda K
Science University Of Tokyo
Tashiro H
Research And Development Center Ricoh Company Ltd.
Sugioka Koji
Riken The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
OBATA Kotaro
RIKEN(The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Science University of Tokyo
Obata Kotaro
Riken(the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research):science University Of Tokyo
Midorikawa Katsumi
Riken(the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
Midorikawa Katsumi
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
Tashiro Hideo
Sugioka Koji
Laser Technology Lab., RIKEN- Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
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