Analysis of Effective Interaction Length for Crossing Beams in a Para-Hydrogen Raman Laser
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-03-15
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo
Nagasaka K
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Nagasaka K
Department Of Physics Science University Of Tokyo
Nagasaka Keigo
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Department of Physics, Science University of Tokyo
RIKEN, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Nagasaka Keigo
Depanment Of Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Tashiro H
Research And Development Center Ricoh Company Ltd.
Tashiro Hideo
Riken The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Tsunemi Akira
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Tashiro Hideo
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