Photon-Induced Hopping in Bi_2Sr_2Ca_<0.5>Y_<0.5>Cu_2O_y
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1992-02-15
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo
Nagasaka K
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Nagasaka K
Department Of Physics Science University Of Tokyo
Nagasaka Keigo
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
SATO Masayuki
Department of Physics, Science University of Tokyo Kagurazaka
Suda Mitsuru
Research & Development Laboratory Mitsubishi Mining & Cement Co. Ltd.
Sato Masayuki
Department Of Biological And Chemical Engineering Gunma University
SATO Masayuki
Department of Physics, Science University of Tokyo
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- 27aA10P TRIAM-1M超長時間放電における粒子挙動(トカマク)
- 23aZB-7 プラズマ立ち上げ時における高速電子閉じ込めによる閉磁気面形成について(23aZB 核融合プラズマ(輸送・閉じ込め・プラズマ壁相互作用),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 21pZH-14 QUESTにおける閉磁気面形成シナリオ(21pZH MHD実験・運転シナリオ,領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- Model of Inductive Plasma Production Assisted by Radio-Frequency Wave in Tokamaks(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- 21pZH-5 QUEST装置における電子バーンシュタイン波加熱・電流駆動の光線追跡・フォッカープランク解析(21pZH 核融合プラズマ(波動・加熱),領域2(プラズマ基礎・プラズマ科学・核融合プラズマ・プラズマ宇宙物理))
- 25aB02 TRIAM-1M装置における電子サイクロトロン加熱・電流駆動実験(加熱・加速, (社) プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会)
- 28aWJ-10 TST-2球状トカマクにおけるIRE (内部磁力線再結合現象)時の軟エックス線計測(核融合プラズマ(不安定性))(領域2)
- 27aWJ-13 TST-2球状トカマクにおける電子バーンシュタイン波を用いた加熱電流駆動実験(核融合プラズマ(基礎・応用))(領域2)
- Enhancement of RF Current Drive Efficiency on TRIAM-1M
- Spectrum Identification of Heliotron E Plasma Impurities by a Time-Resolving Grazing Incidence Spectrometer with a Multichannel Detector : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- The Sources of Fe Impurity in Heliotron E Plasma during NBI : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Studies of Particle Behaviour in Heliotron E by Means of Balmer-Alpha Laser Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- Improvement of Magnetohydrodynamic Stability and Beta Limit by Toroidal Plasma Current in Heliotron DR
- Ray Tracing Analyses of Current-Free ECRH Plasmas in Heliotron E
- Spin Polarization Dependent Far Infrared Absorption in Ga_Mn_xAs : Semiconductors
- Submillimeter Wave ESR Study of Magnetic Excitations in the Ising Ferromagnetic Chain CoNb_2O_6
- Investigation of Phonon Anomaly in the Orbital Order State of La_Sr_xMnO_3 (x〜1/8) : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Analysis of Effective Interaction Length for Crossing Beams in a Para-Hydrogen Raman Laser
- Short-Pulse Generation in the Transient Raman Regime with a Parahydrogen Raman Laser
- Shallow Donor Complex in Annealed Si
- Transmission Spectroscopy in the Range 3 to 500 cm^-1 in a Superconductor Crystal Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Far-Infrared Study of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films on MgO Substrates
- Far-Infrared Photoconductivity and Photo-Hall Effects in Antimony Doped Germanium
- Photoluminescence Due to Degenerate Electron-Hole System in Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers under Ultraviolet Light Excitation
- Deep-Level Luminescence in Czochralski-Grown Silicon Crystals after Long-Term Annealing at 450℃
- High-Resolution Hadamard Transform Spectrometer Using a High-Precision Encoding Mask
- Hybridized Mode of Phonon and Spin-Cluster Excitation in Quasi-One-Dimensional Magnet CoNb_2O_6
- Shaken Baby Syndrome Manifesting as Chronic Subdural Hematoma : Importance of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography for Treatment Indications : Case Report
- Wideband Tuning of a High-Pressure CO_2 Laser by means of Intracavity Active Frequency Shift
- Annular-Beam Pumped Para-Hydrogen Raman Laser
- High-Frequency,High-Power Microwave Generation by a Vitual Cathode Oscillator
- Far Infrared Measurements in High-T_c Superconductor Sr_xLa_CuO_
- Far-Infrared Germanium Detectors
- Long-Running-Time (T=0.45 K) Germanium Bolometer for Far Infrared Spectroscopy
- Observation of a Soft Mode Phonon in MEM (TCNQ)_2 below Spin-Peierls Transition by Far Infrared Spectroscopy
- Photon-Induced Hopping in High-T_c Superconductors
- Photon-Induced Hopping in Bi_2Sr_2Ca_Y_Cu_2O_y
- Wide-Band Frequency Response Measurements of IR and FIR Detectors by Diode-CO_2 Laser Heterodyne Detection
- Study of Cryclotron Resonance for Ellipsoidal Energy Surface by Circularly Polarized Light
- A Technique for Measurement of Far-Infrared Cyclotron Resonance in Intense Pulsed Magnetic Field
- Effect of Impurity Interaction upon Ionization Energy of Donor-Electrons in Germanium
- Estimation of Current Profile during Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heated Discharges Characterized by Sawtooth Stabilization and Crash in JT-60U
- Optical Measurements and Band Calculations of FeSi
- Time Behavior of Heat Diffusivity during L-H-L Transitions in JT-60U
- Nondimensional Transport Study of JT-60U Plasmas
- MELATONIN ACTION ON GnIH-LILKE IMMUNOREACTIVE NEURONS IN THE SIBERIAN HAMSTER (PHODOPUS SUNGORUS)(Endocrinology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- A Streak Mode Soft X-ray Imaging System
- Generation and Focusing of Intense Ion Beams with an Inverse Pinch Ion Diode
- Ion Beam Generation and its Applications with "HARIMA-II"
- Ion Beam Generation with the "Inverse Pinch Ion Diode"
- AC Flashover Characteristics on Trapezoidal Contamination Models of Actual Insulators
- Compression of a Cylindrical Thin Target by Intense Ion Beams Generated in the "Point Pinch Diode"
- Effects of Plasma Motions on Transport of High-Voltage Pulse Power through a Slender Self-Magnetically Insulated Transmission Line
- AC Reignition Voltage on Partially Contaminated Insulator Surfaces
- The effects of loading locations and direct retainers on the movements of the abutment tooth and denture base of removable partial dentures
- Thermal Treatment of Wood Residues and Effective Utilization of Its Products to Improve Rubberwood Manufacturing Process
- Recovery of Intact Membrane Proteins from Adherent Animal Cells Grown in a Liquid-Liquid Interface
- A Single-Shot Transient-Grating Autocorrelator for the Measurement of Femtosecond Laser Pulses in the Ultraviolet
- Delay Time of THz Wave Emission after Ultrafast Excitation in n-GaAs
- Development of a wide bandwidth heterodyne detector using a photoconductive element
- Optical Properties of Zinc Telluride in the Infrared
- Inactivation of Bacillus Subtilis Spores by a Combination of Hydrostatic High-Pressure and Pulsed Electric Field Treatments
- Detection of human papillomavirus in a urothelial carcinoma mimicking urethral caruncle
- Far-Infrared Transmission Measurements of N-Methyl-N-Ethy-Morpholinium-Ditetracyanoquinodimethanide[MEM (TCNQ)_2] at Temperatures above and below Spin-Peierls Transition
- Decomposition of organic contaminants by water surface plasma
- Assessment of Cyclodisparity-Induced Slant Perception with a Synoptophore
- Magnetic Properties of Hydroxy Ni-Mica Intercalation
- マトリクスコンバータにおける Venturini 法と空間ベクトル法
- Pathological Changes After Autologous Formalin-Fixed Tumor Vaccine Therapy Combined With Temozolomide for Glioblastoma : Three Case Reports
- Far-Infrared Cyclotron Resonance of Piezoelectric Polarons in CdS at 77°K
- Acquired Hemophilia First Manifesting as Life-Threatening Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Penicillin and D-Alanyl-D-alanine Accelerate Spore Formation of Myxococcus xanthus Subcultured Cells
- Meandering pulmonary veins with a common inferior trunk : an anomalous left inferior pulmonary vein entering an anomalous right inferior pulmonary vein
- Enhanced Stress Resistance at Stationary Phase of Oligotrophic Bacteria, Chromobacterium sp. Y95 and Aeromonas sp. Z06
- Decomposition of Gaseous Acetaldehyde Using Barrier Discharge Plasma with Fibrous Activated Carbon as an Electrode
- AC Conduction Rule for a Gaseous Mixture
- Physiological Characteristics of Three Oligotrophic Soil Bacteria, Aeromonas sp. Y26,Aeromonas sp. Z06,and Chromobacterium sp. Y95,in Low Concentration of Nutrient Broth
- Soot Oxidation in a Silent Discharge
- Telecommunication Instruction for Children with Hearing Impairment
- 30aA28P TRIAM-1M長時間プラズマにおけるHα線強度の空間分布(トカマクI)
- 30aC21P 高周波/ミリ波低電力試験装置の構築(加熱・加速)
- 30aA26P TRIAM-1MにおけるMoリミターからの水素パルマー線及ぴMo中性線の表面温度依存性(トカマクI)
- 30aA27P TRIAM-1M長時間放電における酸素不純物特性への放電の繰り返しによる影響(トカマクI)
- 29aC31P Plasma Shape Reproduction of Spherical Tokamak by Using Cauchy-Condition Surface Method
- 29aC28P SOLDORを用いたQUESTダイバータ設計(トカマクI)
- 30pA06P 精密サイズ連続可変式ペレットインジェクターの開発とCHSプラズマにおけるアブレーションコード計算(ヘリカルI、慣性)
- Photoluminescence Due to Degenerate Electron-Hole System in Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers under Ultraviolet Light Excitation
- A Study on Measurement of Light Tar Content in the Fuel Gas Produced in Small-Scale Gasification and Power Generation Systems for Solid Wastes
- V-3 プラズマ境界力学実験装置QUESTにおけるプラズマ壁相互作用研究計画(シンポジウムV:核融合実験装置における発電実証プラントを目指したプラズマ対向材料研究開発)
- 30aA29P TRIAM-1Mにおけるダストの挙動(トカマクI)
- QUEST Experiments Towards Steady State Operation of Spherical Tokamaks
- Conceptual Design and Prototype Performance of Phased-array Antenna for EBWH/CD Experiments in QUEST
- Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy for Obstructive Hydrocephalus Caused by a Large Upper Basilar Artery Aneurysm After Coil Embolization : Case Report
- Encapsulated Acute Subdural Hematoma Mimicking Acute Epidural Hematoma on Computed Tomography : Case Report
- Delay Time of THz Wave Emission after Ultrafast Excitation in n-GaAs
- Risk Factors of Ischemic Lesions Related to Cerebral Angiography and Neuro-interventional Procedures
- Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula With Lipomyelodysplasia:—Case Report—
- A Single-Shot Transient-Grating Autocorrelator for the Measurement of Femtosecond Laser Pulses in the Ultraviolet