AC Conduction Rule for a Gaseous Mixture
- 論文の詳細を見る
The AC conduction rule for ions in a binary gaseous mixture is derived using the Langevin model for charged particle transport in an oscillating electric field. The complex mobility μ=μr+jμ_i of the ion obeys simple sum rules expressed only in terms of mobilities at the source frequencies ω=0 and ∞. Specifically, μ_r and μ_i at high ω vary almost linearly with the portion of the mixture as do μ^<-7>_r and |μ_i|^<-1/2> at low ω according to Blanc's law.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1993-04-15
Sato Masumi
Department Of Electrical And Information Engineering Yamagata University
Suda Mitsuru
Research & Development Laboratory Mitsubishi Mining & Cement Co. Ltd.
Sato Masumi
Department Of Bioscience Tokyo University Of Agriculture
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