Far-Infrared Photoconductivity and Photo-Hall Effects in Antimony Doped Germanium
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Studies have been made on photoconductivity spectra of germanium doped with antimony of 3.1×10^<13>∼2.1×10^<16>cm^<-3> in the photon energy region 5∼13 meV. The temperature and impurity concentration dependence shows that the spectra consist of two components; one of which is due to the photo-thermal ionization of donor electrons to the conduction band, and the other is structureless and temperature-independent one. The latter extends widely in the energy range less than 10.19 meV (the ionization energy of the isolated donor). The ratio of the photoconductivity response less than 10.19 meV to the response at 10.19 meV at 1.6 K increases with donor concentration. These results suggest that a second mechanism for the far-infrared photoconductivity exists other than the photo-thermal ionization of donores and is ascribed to the formation of reduced ionization energy states due to the interaction of impurities. The photo-Hall mobility spectra of electrons which contribute to the latter photoconductivity mechanism were also measured.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1973-09-05
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Science University of Tokyo
Nagasaka Keigo
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
NARITA Shin-ichiro
Department of Material Physics, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Narita Shin-ichiro
Department Of Material Physics
Nagsaaka Keigo
Department of Material Physics, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
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