Ablation of Fused Quartz by Ultraviolet, Visible or Infrared Laser Coupled with VUV Laser
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1996-11-01
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
和田 智史
Zhang Jie
Zhang Jie
Zhang Jie
Department Of Chemistry Fudan University
Zhang Jie
School Of Marine Science And Engineering Nagasaki University
Wada Satoshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
TAKAI Hiroshi
Tokyo Denki University
Takai H
Tokyo Denki University
Toyoda K
Science University Of Tokyo
Toyoda Koichi
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Toyoda Koichi
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University:(present Address) Faculty Of Engineering Kyoto Univ
Tashiro H
Research And Development Center Ricoh Company Ltd.
Tashiro Hideo
Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy Science
Zhang Jie
Institute Of Physics Chinese Academy Science:shanghai Jiaotong Daxue
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
WADA Satoshi
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Toyoda Koichi
Institute For Chemical Research Kyoto University
Tashiro Hideo
Sugioka Koji
Laser Technology Lab., RIKEN- Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
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- 20aYM-7 チタン酸バリウムナノ粒子における相転移挙動(誘電体,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
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- Property Change of Si(111) Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microscope Manipulation
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- Intracavity Difference Frequency Generation Using Dual-wavelength Oscillation by an Electronically Tuned Ti:Sapphire Laser
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- Antitumor Active Polysaccharides from the Chinese Mushroom Songshan Lingzhi, the Fruiting Body of Ganoderma tsugae
- Size Effect on the Phase Transition in PbTiO_3 Fine Particles
- Initial Stage of Growth Process of Lead Titanate Fine Particles ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- A human B-lineage dendritic cell line, HBM-Noda and its potential role in human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type I infection
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- Induction of antitumor immunopreventive effect by immunization with fusions of H_ and dendritic cells in mice(THE SIXTH JAPAN-CHINA JOINT SEMINAR ON HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY)
- On the epidermal structure of Boleophthalmus and Scartelaos mudskippers with reference to their adaptation to terrestrial life
- Vacuum-ultraviolet laser induced surface modification of fused quartz
- VUV-UV Multiwavelength Laser-Induced Formation of Microstructure
- Ablation of Fused Quartz by Ultraviolet, Visible or Infrared Laser Coupled with VUV Laser
- Antitumor Polysaccharides from a Chinese Mushroom, "Yuhuangmo," the Fruiting Body of Pleurotus citrinopileatus
- Development of a Tunable 209 nm Continuous-Wave Light Source Using Two-Stage Frequency Doubling of a Ti : Sapphire Laser(Optics and Quantum Electronics)
- Treatment with Immunosuppressants FTY720 and Tacrolimus Promotes Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats
- Crystallization and Growth Process of Lead Titanate Fine Particles from Alkoxide-Prepared Powders
- 1kHz 全固体電子制御 Ti : sapphire レーザーによる狭帯域ピコ秒パルス発生
- Wavelength Stabilization of Dual-Wavelength Oscillation in Electronically Tuned Ti:Al2O3 Laser
- Domain Switching Kinetics of Lead Zirconate Titinate Thin Films
- Study of Initial Stage of Molecular Adsorption on Si(100) by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Development of an In-Situ Method of Fabricating Artificial Atom Structures on the Si(100) Surface
- Interaction of Ga Adsorbates with Dangling Bonds on the Hydrogen Terminated Si(100) Surface
- Gas Chemistry Dependence of Si Surface Reactions in a Fluorocarbon Plasma during Contact Hole Etching
- Dependence of Gas Chemistry on Si Surface Reactions in High C/F Ratio Fluorocarbon Plasma during Contact Hole Etching
- ガス中蒸発法による極端に多孔質な酸化スズ膜の作製
- Poling Treatment and Piezoelectric Properties of Potassium Niobate Ferroelectric Single Crystals
- Growth-Temperature Dependence of the Quality of Al_2O_3 Prepared by Sequential Surface Chemical Reaction of Trimethylaluminum and H_2O_2
- Si Barrier Metal Growth by Hybrid Radical Beam-Pulsed Laser Deposition of TiN
- Characterization of Stainless Steel SUS304 Modified by KrF Excimer Laser Implant-Deposition and Its Properties after the Thermal Treatment
- Growth of epitaxial TiN thin film on Si substrate by pulsed laser deposition(II)
- Growth of epitaxial TiN thin film on Si substrate by pulsed laser deposition(I)
- Rapid Formation of Arsenic-Doped Layer More Than 1.0 μm Deep in Si Using Two KrF Excimer Lasers