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A low temperature direct synthesis(LTDS)method is useful for preparing nm-sized barium titanate crystallites. However, the precise characterization of impurities in barium titanate crystallites is difficult because barium carbonate is formed as a by-product. In this study, a normal LTDS method was modified to prepare barium titanate crystallites under a CO_2-free atmosphere, i. e., an N_2 atmosphere. The barium titanate single phase was first prepared using this modified LTDS method. In the characterization of as-prepared barium titanate crystallites, only a hydroxyl group was detected as an impurity for ca. 11 mass%. A chemical analysis of the as-prepared barium titanate crystallites determined that the Ba/Ti atomic ratio was 0.635±0.005, which means that a lot of barium vacancies formed in the crystallites. The average crystal structure, determined by XRD, was assigned to a cubic m3m symmetry, while the local structure, determined by Raman scattering spectroscopy, was assigned to a tetragonal 4 mm symmetry, which suggested that in the crystal structure of as-prepared barium titanate crystallites, there existed a disorder system. Crystallites were also characterized after annealing at various temperatures.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 2000-08-01
鶴見 敬章
鈴木 健之
鈴木 健之
Watanabe Satoshi
Advanced Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
野間 竜男
和田 智志
Department Of Metallurgy And Ceramics Science Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Insti
和田 智史
鶴見 敬章
野間 竜男
和田 智志
Wada S
Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University
近森 英記
Wada Satoshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Wada Satoshi
和田 智志
東京工業大学 工学部無機材料工学科
鶴見 敬章
東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 材料工学専攻
野間 竜男
鈴木 健之
Wada Satoshi
Material Sci. And Technol. Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Medical And Engineering Univ. Of Yam
野間 竜男
鈴木 健之
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- この人にきく 野間竜男氏
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