Wavelength Stabilization of Dual-Wavelength Oscillation in Electronically Tuned Ti:Al2O3 Laser
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We investigate the stability of the wavelength in a dual-wavelength-oscillated Ti:Al2O3 laser with an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF). We observe wavelength drift when wavelength is switched. We also clarify that the wavelength drift is induced by the temperature distribution in the AOTF. Furthermore, we propose a new method of temperature control of the AOTF to stabilize the wavelength. We achieve the stabilization of wavelength drift to within $\pm 0.01$ nm by feeding another RF signal into the AOTF to control the temperature inside the AOTF.
- Japan Society of Applied Physicsの論文
- 2010-01-25
MAEDA Yasuhiro
Department of Hematology, Kinki University School of Medicine
Yamashita Masafumi
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Watanabe Satoshi
Department Of Materials Science University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Satoshi
Advanced Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
WADA Satoshi
Department of Research Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of
和田 智志
Department Of Metallurgy And Ceramics Science Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Tokyo Insti
和田 智史
SAITO Norihito
Solid State Laser for Astronomical Observation Research Team, RIKEN
Saito N
Nagoya Univ. Aichi Jpn
Maeda Yasuhiro
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tokyo University of Science
OGAWA Takayo
Solid-State Laser for Astronomical Observation Research Team, RIKEN
Saito Norihito
Solid-state Laser For Astronomical Observation Research Team Riken
Saito Norihito
Solid State Laser For Astronomical Observation Research Team Riken
Wada Satoshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Wada Satoshi
Maeda Yasuhiro
Department Of Hematology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Saito N
Solid-state Laser For Astronomical Observation Research Team Riken
Ogawa Takayo
Solid-state Laser For Astronomical Observation Research Team Riken
Yumoto Masaki
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Yamashita Masafumi
Department Of Computer Science And Communication Engineering Kyushu University
Wada Satoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Osaka City University
Maeda Yasuhiro
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Wada Satoshi
Department of Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology,
MAEDA Yasuhiro
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture
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