Suppressive Effect of Curcumin on Trichloroethylene-induced Oxidative Stress
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In vivo antioxidative effects of curcumin were investigated using a trichloroethylene (TCE)-induced oxidative stress model in mouse liver. Increases in the con-tents of peroxisome and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and decreases in GSH content of mouse liver by the TCE administration were suppressed by the pre-adminis-tration of curcumin. TCE-induced changes in the activities of antioxidative enzyme, such as Cu/Zn-SOD, catalase, glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and D-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), were also diminished by curcumin. These results indi-cate that curcumin significantly suppresses TCE-induced oxidative stress by scavenging var-ious free radicals, and its antioxidative activity seems to be derived from its suppressive ef-fects on the increase in peroxisome content and decrease in GPx and G 6PD activities.
- 財団法人 学会誌刊行センターの論文
- 2000-10-01
渡辺 聡
Watanabe Satoshi
星薬科大学 薬学部衛生化学
渡辺 聡
Watanabe Satoshi
Aono Atomcraft Project Erato Research Development Corporation
Watanabe Satoshi
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University
Watanabe Satoshi
Hoshi University
Watanabe Satoshi
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Satoshi
Advanced Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
渡辺 聡
Fukui Tetsuya
Department Of Health Chemistry
Watanabe S
Hoshi Univ. Tokyo Jpn
FUKUI Tetusya
Department of Health Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hoshi University
Fukui Tetusya
Department Of Health Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University
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