チタン酸バリウム微粒子のサイズ効果に及ぼす格子欠陥の役割 : 新しいモデル
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Barium titanate fine particles were prepared by a hydrothermal method using titanium tetrahydroxide gel and barium hydroxide. In particles with an average size of 89.62 nm, the crystal structure changed from cubic to tetragonal accompanied with a decrease in the amount of lattice defects such as lattice hydroxyl groups, without a change in particle size. This result revealed that a physical quantity with size much smaller than the particle size could determine the crystal structure of barium titanate. To explain this phenomenon, we proposed a new model based on the stability of lattice vibrations, in which the amount of the lattice defects can determine the correlational size of barium titanate dipoles, and the tetragonality (c/a) is dependent on the correlational size. Moreover, the model can be used to explain the size effect on relative permittivity and Curie temperature in barium titanate .
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1996-05-01
鈴木 健之
鈴木 健之
野間 竜男
和田 智史
和田 智志
野間 竜男
Wada Satoshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
野間 竜男
鈴木 健之
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