Surface-Grating Distributed Bragg Reflector Lasers with Deeply Etched Grooves Formed by Reactive Beam Etching
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1999-02-28
野口 祐二
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Noguchi Yutaka
Department Of Machine Intelligence And System Engineering Intelligent System Design Laboratory Tohok
Oku S
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
Takeuchi Hiroaki
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
Kondo S
Dep. Electronic Engineering Sendai Jpn
Hirono Takuo
Opto-electronics Laboratories
OKU Satoshi
Opto-electronics Laboratories
KONDO Susumu
Opto-electronics Laboratories
Opto-electronics Laboratories
NAKAO Masashi
Opto-electronics Laboratories
Opto-electronics Laboratories
Oku Satoshi
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
Nakao Masao
Sanyo Electric. Co. Ltd. Tsukuba Research Center
Nakao Masao
Sanyo Tsukuba Research Center
Kondo S
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
Nakao M
NTT Electronics
Tamamura T
Ntt Electronics
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