Current-Voltage Characteristics with a Step Structure of Metal / Polyimide / Rhodamine-Dendrimer / Polyimide / Metal Junction (Special Issue on Organic Molecular Electronics for the 21st Century)
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We examined the current-voltage (I-V) characterristic of metal / polyimide / rhodamine-dendorimer / polyimide / metal junctions prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. At a temperature of 32.8K, a step structure was observed in the I-V characteristic, whereas it was not observed for the junctions without rhodamine-dendorimer. The step structure was very similar to that seen in so-called Coulomb staircase. On the basis of the model of Coulomb blockade, the possibility of single electron tunneling via rhodamine-dendrimer (Rh-G2) molecule as a quantum dot was discussed.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2000-07-25
久保田 徹
野口 祐二
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Noguchi Yutaka
Department Of Machine Intelligence And System Engineering Intelligent System Design Laboratory Tohok
Kubota Tohru
Kansai Advanced Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Mashiko Shinro
Kansai Advanced Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology
真島 豊
Mashiko Shinro
Kansai Advanced Research Center National Institute Of Information And Communication Technology
Mashiko Shinro
Communications Research Laboratory Ministry Of Posts And Telecommunications Kansai Advanced Research
Mashiko Shinro
Kansai Advanced Research Center Communication Research Laboratory
IWAMOTO Mitsumasa
the Department of Physical Electronics Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
the Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
the Department of Physical Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kansai Advanced Research Center, Communication Research Laboratory Kansai Advanced Research Center,
Kansai Advanced Research Center, Communication Research Laboratory Kansai Advanced Research Center,
Iwamoto Mitsumasa
The Department Of Physical Electronics Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Nakahama Tatsuo
Kansai Advanced Research Center Communication Research Laboratory Kansai Advanced Research Center Co
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