Transmission Electron Diffraction Pattern of Electron-Irradiation-Induced {113}-Faulted Loops in Si
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Transmission electron diffraction patterns from {113}-faulted loops in Si, which are introduced by electron irradiation in a high-voltage electron microscope, have been observed for the first time. The diffraction patterns were observed after removing the perfect crystal of Si by ion-thinning. The patterns were taken under the plan-view condition. The patterns were consistently interpreted by assuming a 1×1 unit cell on a {113} plane.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1990-09-20
Muto Shunsuke
Department Of Materials Physics And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Univers
Muto S
Yamanashi Univ. Kofu
Hirata Mitsuji
Department Of Physics Boston College:(permanent Address)department Of Physics Osaka University
Takeda Seiji
Department Of Botany Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Takeda Seiji
Department Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
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