Picosecond Dynamics of Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1984-05-20
Kanemitsu Yoshihiko
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kanemitsu Yoshihiko
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:(present Address) Department Of Image
Kuroda Hiroto
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Shionoya Shigeo
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Kuroda H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Kuroda Hiroto
The Institute For Solid Stale Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kanemitsu Y
Nara Inst. Sci. And Technol. Nara Jpn
Kanemitsu Y
Department Of Image Science And Technology Faculty Of Engineering Chiba University
Shionoya S
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Shionoya S
Department O Electronics Tokyo Engineering University
Shionoya Shigeo
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kuroda H
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Chiba Jpn
- Temporal Changes in Reflectivity of Crystalline Silicon in Picosecond Laser-Induced Melting
- Picosecond Dynamics of Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- Dynamical Aspects of Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- Photo- and Electroluminescence from Electroehemically Polished Silicon
- Blue Light Emission from Rapid-Thermal-Oxidized Porous Silicon
- Large Induced Absorption Change in Porous Silicon and Its Application to Optical Logic Gates
- Hydrogen Termination and Optical Properties of Porous Silicon : Photochemical Etching Effect
- Photoacoustic Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures : Physical Acoustics
- Characterization of Multilayered Structures by Piezoelectric Photoacoustic Imaging : Photoacoustic Effect and Spectroscopy
- Dynamics of Rapid Phase Transformations in Amorphous GeTe Induced by Nanosecond Laser Pulses : Media
- Dynamics of Rapid Phase Transformations in Amorphous GeTe Induced by Nanosecond Laser Pulses
- Photoinduced Effects on Gap State Profiles and Recombination Processes in Amorphous Selenium Studied by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy and Xerographic Discharge Measurements : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Gap State Profiles in Amorphous Selenium Studied by Photoacoustic and Photoconductivity-Quenching Spectroscopy : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Dynamics of Picosecond Laser-Generated Acoustic Waves in Solids : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Surface Transformations in Glass Initiated by Laser-Driven Shock : High Power Ultrasonics
- Explosive Crystallization in Amorphous Silicon Induced by Picosecond High-Power Laser Pulses
- Luminescence and Inter-Valence Band Hole Relaxation in High Density Electron-Hole Plasma in CdSe and CdS
- Optical Properties of Small Silicon Clusters : Chain, Ladder and Cubic Structures
- Optical Properties of Porous Silicon and Small Silicon Clusters : Search for the Origin of Visible Photoluminescence of Porous Silicon
- Applicability of the Soft X-Ray Standing-Wave Method to Surface Structure Determination
- Dynamical Aspects of Self-Trapping of 1s Excitons in KI
- Picosecond Spectroscopy of Excitonic Molecules in CuBr
- Picosecond Time of Flighi Measurements of Excitonic Polariton in CuCl
- Picosecond Laser Induced Rapid Crystallization in Amorphous Silicon
- Morphological Studies of Surface Transformations in Amorphous Silicon Induced by Picosecond Laser Pulses
- A Study of the Sustaining Mechanism in an Inductively Coupled Plasma ( Plasma Processing)
- Effect of the Soft X-Ray Standing Wave Fields on the Total Electron Yield Spectra from an InP Crystal
- Microcomputer-Controlled Multichannel Analyzer for Spectral Measurements of Short Light Pulses
- Pico-Second Time Dependence of Luminescence Line Due to Exciton-Exciton Collision in CdSe
- Luminescence of High Density Excitons in CdS, CdSe an ZnSe in the 4.2-90 K Temperature Range
- Dynamical Processes of High Density Single Excitons and Excitonic Molecules in CdSe
- Bose Condensation of Excitonic Moleules in CdSe
- Vibronic Structure in Luminescence Spectra of Rare Earth Ions In SrTiO_3, BaTiO_3 and Other Perovskites
- Luminescence Spectra of Sm^ in BaTiO_3 Host Lattice
- Radiative and Non-Radiative Recombination Processes of Photo-Generated Carriers in ^a-Si_xC_:H (x〜0.2)
- Effect of Internal Magnetic Field on the Optical Spectra of Sm^ Ion in TbPO_4, YPO_4 and Their Mixed Crystals
- Luminescence of Tb_Y_xPO_4 under the Strong and Selective Excitation of ^5D_4 of Tb^ Ion
- Dynamical Relaxation Processes of Excitonic Polaritons in CuCl Studied by Picosecond Induced Absorption
- Luminescence of Eu^ Ion in Antiferromagnetic KMnF_3 Crystals
- Nature of Luminescence Transitions in ZnS Crvstals
- Mechanisrm of Photostimulated Luminescence Process in BaFBr:Eu^ Phosphors
- Phonon-Assisted Energy Transfer between Trivalent Rare Earth Ions
- Phonon-Assisted Energy Transfer : Comparison between Theory and Experiment
- Mechanism and Controlling Factors of Infrared-to-Visible Conversion Process in Er^ and Yb^-Doped Phosphors
- Luminescence of KI Containing ns^2 Configuration Ions under Excitation by Exciton Absorption
- Investigation of Luminescence from Bound Excitons in KBr:I by Using Polarized Light
- Optical Studies of Resonantly Excited Excitonic Molecules in CuCl
- Picosecond Time Analysis of Excitonic Molecule Luminescence Spectra in CuCl
- Optical Dephasing Due to Virtual Transfer of Excitation Energy as Observed in Photon Echo Experiments of Pentacene Molecules in Crystals
- Electron Effective Mass of SnO_2
- Vapor Reaction Growth of SnO_2 Single Crystals and Their Properties
- Two-Photon Resonant, Coherent Raman Scattering via Excitonic Molecules in CuCl
- Fundamental Optical Properties of ZnIn_2S_4 Single Crystals
- High-Energy-Electron Acceleration by a Pulse Electromagnetic Wave in a System of the Inverse Synchrotron Radiation
- Properties of Oxidized SnO_2 Single Crystals
- Electronic and Vibronic Spectra of Ce^ in YPO_4 and LuPO_4
- Relaxation between Excited Levels of Tb^3 Ion Due to Resonance Energy Transfer
- Electrical and Optical Properties of Reduced Stannic Oxide Crystals
- A High Sensitivity Television Camera System for Pico-Second Spectroscopy
- Exciton-Exciton Interaction in Cd(S,Se) Crystals as Studied by Using Argon Ion Laser
- Free Carrier Generation Due to Exciton-Exciton Interaction in Cd(S,Se)
- Two Types of Luminescence Transitions in CdS Involving Te Isoelectronic Traps
- Spectroscopy of Picosecond Light Pulses with a Television Camera System : Short Pulses of Light
- Luminescence of High Density Electron-Hole Plasma in GaAs
- Formation of Periodic Ripple Structures in Picosecond Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- Mechanism of the Killer Effect of Iron-Group Ions on the Green Luminescence in ZnS:Cu, Al Phosphors
- Luminescence of Bound Excitons in Tellurium-Doped Zinc Sulfide Crystals
- Luminescence from Superexchange-Coupled Cr^ Ion Pair in Binuclear Complex Salts. : II. Theoretical Considerations
- Luminescence from Superexchange-Coupled Cr^ Ion Pair in Binuclear Complex Salts. : I. Spectroscopic Investigation
- Mechanism of the Green-Copper Luminescence in ZnS Crystals. : II. Polarization Characteristics
- Polarization Characteristics of the Red Luminescence in ZnS:Cu, In Crystals
- Screening and Stark Effects Due to Impurities on Excitons in CdS
- Capture Processes of Excitons and Free Carriers as Reflected in Excitation Intensity Dependence of Edge Emission Peak in CdS
- Mechanism of the Green-Copper Luminescence in ZnS Crystals. : I. Direct Evidence for the Pair Emission Mechanism
- Spectral analysis of Luminescence of High Density Excitons in CdS
- Electrical Conductivity of SnO_2 Single Crystals at Very Low Temperatures
- Temperature Dependence of the Fundamental Optical Absorption Edge in Stannic Oxide
- Second Class Exciton Structure in Stannic Oxide
- Polarization of the Green-Copper Luminescence in Hexagonal ZnS Single Crystal
- Photo-Induced Infrared Absorption in ZnSe Single Crystals
- Polarization of the Blue-Copper Luminescence in ZnS Crystals
- Luminescence of ZnIn_2S_4 and ZnIn_2S_4:Cu Single Crystals
- Nature of the Green-Copper Luminescence Transition in ZnS as Elucidated by the Measurements of Time-Resolved SPectrum
- Drift Mobilities of Electrons and Holes in ZnS Crystals
- Vibronic Transitions of Eu^ Ions in CaWO_4 and Other Tungstates
- Long-Range Structural Changes in Glass Inducedby Picosecond High-Power Baser Pulses
- Capture Processes of Excitons and Free Carriers by Shallow Donor-Acceptor Pairs in CdS
- Optical Breakdown of 6H SiC Induced by Wavelength-Tunable Femtosecond Laser Pulses
- Concentration Dependence of Fluorescence Lifetime of Nd^-Doped Gd_3Ga_5O_ Lasers
- Temperature Shift of the Green-Cu Luminescence Band in ZnS Phosphors
- Photon echo of pentacene molecules introduced in crystals with high concentration.