Microcomputer-Controlled Multichannel Analyzer for Spectral Measurements of Short Light Pulses
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1979-09-05
斉藤 博
SAITO Hiroshi
Okayama College of Science
Shionoya Shigeo
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
TANAKA Shosaku
the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tottori University
Kinoshita Takayuki
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:(present Sddress)fujisawa Development
斉藤 博
Department Of Material Science And Technology Nagaoka University Of Technology
TANAKA Shosaku
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
SAITO Hiroshi
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
- Temporal Changes in Reflectivity of Crystalline Silicon in Picosecond Laser-Induced Melting
- Picosecond Dynamics of Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- Dynamical Aspects of Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- 高速電子線回折によるZnSe/GaAsエピタキシャル成長薄膜の研究
- II-VI族化合物結晶成長用分子線エピタキシ装置の製作
- 横放電型N_2ガスレーザーの試作
- Temperature Dependence of Near Band-edge Luminescence in ZnSe
- 11p-E-16 ZnSeにおけるDAPの減衰特性I(実験)
- Luminescence and Inter-Valence Band Hole Relaxation in High Density Electron-Hole Plasma in CdSe and CdS
- BF^+_2 Ion Implantation into Very-Low-Temperature Si Wafer
- Chemical Bonding Features of Fluorine and Boron in BF^+_2 -Ion-Implanted Si
- Dynamical Aspects of Self-Trapping of 1s Excitons in KI
- Picosecond Spectroscopy of Excitonic Molecules in CuBr
- Picosecond Time of Flighi Measurements of Excitonic Polariton in CuCl
- Feasibility Study of Silicate Phosphor CaMgSi_2O_6 : Eu^2+ Blue PDP Phosphors(Special Issue on Electronic Displays)
- Stabilization of Bluish-Green Luminescent Ce^ Centers by Rb Doping in SrS:Ce Thin Film Electroluminescent Devices : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Blue Emitting Eu^-Doped CaAl_2O_4 Phosphor Thin Films Prepared Using Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique with Post Annealing : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- Blue Emitting Eu^2+ Activated Aluminate Phosphors with β-Tridymite Type Structure for PDP Application(Special Issue on Electronic Displays)
- Growth Interruption Effect on the Formation of CdSe/ZnSe Quantum Dots
- Generation and Evaluation of Post-Heated Zinc and Selenium Molecular Beams
- Ion Collection from Photoionized Plasma with a Wire Electrode in a Weak Magnetic Field
- Charge Transfer Cross Sections for Uranium
- Secondary Electron Emission Yield from Uranium Surface due to Uranium Ion Bombardment
- Development of a Compact Atomic Beam Flux Monitor Based on Surface Ionization
- Effect of Thermally Decomposed H_2S Supply on Electroluminescent Characteristics of Hybrid Devices Having Thick BaTiO_3 Dielectric and Thin SrS:Ce Phosphor Films
- Microcomputer-Controlled Multichannel Analyzer for Spectral Measurements of Short Light Pulses
- Pico-Second Time Dependence of Luminescence Line Due to Exciton-Exciton Collision in CdSe
- Luminescence of High Density Excitons in CdS, CdSe an ZnSe in the 4.2-90 K Temperature Range
- Dynamical Processes of High Density Single Excitons and Excitonic Molecules in CdSe
- Bose Condensation of Excitonic Moleules in CdSe
- Gd_2O_2S : Tb Phosphor Thin Films Grown by Electron Beam Evaporation and Their Photoluminescent and Electroluminescent Characteristics (Special Issue on Electronic Displays)
- Microstructural Characterization and Photoluminescence of SrGa_2S_4:Ce^lt3+gt Thin Films Grown by Deposition from Binary Vapors (Special Issue on Advanced Emissive Displays)
- Improvememt in Aging Characteristics by Zn Doping of Electron-Beam Evaporated SrS:Ce Thin-Film Electroluminescent Devices
- Y_2O_2S:Tb Phosphor Thin Films Grown by Multisource Deposition and Their Luminescent Properties
- Electroluminescent Devices with (Y_2O_2S:Tb/ZnS)_n Multilayered Phosphor Thin Films Prepared by Multisource Deposition
- Effect of Electron Beam on Velocities of Uranium Atomic Beams Produced by Electron Beam Heating
- Analysis of the Spin Polarization of Secondary Electrons Emitted from Permalloy Polycrystals
- A Simulation of Electron Scattering in Magnetic Materials
- A New Method for Measuring Secondary Electron Emission Yield from Nd Surface Bombarded by Ions from a Laser-Ion Source
- Vibronic Structure in Luminescence Spectra of Rare Earth Ions In SrTiO_3, BaTiO_3 and Other Perovskites
- Luminescence Spectra of Sm^ in BaTiO_3 Host Lattice
- Radiative and Non-Radiative Recombination Processes of Photo-Generated Carriers in ^a-Si_xC_:H (x〜0.2)
- Effect of Internal Magnetic Field on the Optical Spectra of Sm^ Ion in TbPO_4, YPO_4 and Their Mixed Crystals
- Luminescence of Tb_Y_xPO_4 under the Strong and Selective Excitation of ^5D_4 of Tb^ Ion
- Dynamical Relaxation Processes of Excitonic Polaritons in CuCl Studied by Picosecond Induced Absorption
- Luminescence of Eu^ Ion in Antiferromagnetic KMnF_3 Crystals
- Nature of Luminescence Transitions in ZnS Crvstals
- Picosecond Dynamics of Electron-Hole Plasma in GaAs/AlAs Multiple Quantum Well Structure
- Phonon-Assisted Energy Transfer between Trivalent Rare Earth Ions
- Phonon-Assisted Energy Transfer : Comparison between Theory and Experiment
- Mechanism and Controlling Factors of Infrared-to-Visible Conversion Process in Er^ and Yb^-Doped Phosphors
- Luminescence of KI Containing ns^2 Configuration Ions under Excitation by Exciton Absorption
- Investigation of Luminescence from Bound Excitons in KBr:I by Using Polarized Light
- Optical Studies of Resonantly Excited Excitonic Molecules in CuCl
- Picosecond Time Analysis of Excitonic Molecule Luminescence Spectra in CuCl
- Optical Dephasing Due to Virtual Transfer of Excitation Energy as Observed in Photon Echo Experiments of Pentacene Molecules in Crystals
- Electron Effective Mass of SnO_2
- Vapor Reaction Growth of SnO_2 Single Crystals and Their Properties
- Two-Photon Resonant, Coherent Raman Scattering via Excitonic Molecules in CuCl
- The Role of Charge Transfer State and (4f)^
- Effect of Pr Impurity on Blue Tm^ Luminescence in Y_2O_2S Phosphor
- Fundamental Optical Properties of ZnIn_2S_4 Single Crystals
- Properties of Oxidized SnO_2 Single Crystals
- Electronic and Vibronic Spectra of Ce^ in YPO_4 and LuPO_4
- Relaxation between Excited Levels of Tb^3 Ion Due to Resonance Energy Transfer
- Electrical and Optical Properties of Reduced Stannic Oxide Crystals
- A High Sensitivity Television Camera System for Pico-Second Spectroscopy
- Exciton-Exciton Interaction in Cd(S,Se) Crystals as Studied by Using Argon Ion Laser
- Free Carrier Generation Due to Exciton-Exciton Interaction in Cd(S,Se)
- Two Types of Luminescence Transitions in CdS Involving Te Isoelectronic Traps
- Spectroscopy of Picosecond Light Pulses with a Television Camera System : Short Pulses of Light
- Luminescence of High Density Electron-Hole Plasma in GaAs
- Formation of Periodic Ripple Structures in Picosecond Pulsed Laser Annealing of Ion-Implanted Silicon
- Mechanism of the Killer Effect of Iron-Group Ions on the Green Luminescence in ZnS:Cu, Al Phosphors
- Luminescence of Bound Excitons in Tellurium-Doped Zinc Sulfide Crystals
- Luminescence from Superexchange-Coupled Cr^ Ion Pair in Binuclear Complex Salts. : II. Theoretical Considerations
- Luminescence from Superexchange-Coupled Cr^ Ion Pair in Binuclear Complex Salts. : I. Spectroscopic Investigation
- Mechanism of the Green-Copper Luminescence in ZnS Crystals. : II. Polarization Characteristics
- Polarization Characteristics of the Red Luminescence in ZnS:Cu, In Crystals
- Screening and Stark Effects Due to Impurities on Excitons in CdS
- Capture Processes of Excitons and Free Carriers as Reflected in Excitation Intensity Dependence of Edge Emission Peak in CdS
- Mechanism of the Green-Copper Luminescence in ZnS Crystals. : I. Direct Evidence for the Pair Emission Mechanism
- Spectral analysis of Luminescence of High Density Excitons in CdS
- Electrical Conductivity of SnO_2 Single Crystals at Very Low Temperatures
- Temperature Dependence of the Fundamental Optical Absorption Edge in Stannic Oxide
- Second Class Exciton Structure in Stannic Oxide
- Polarization of the Green-Copper Luminescence in Hexagonal ZnS Single Crystal
- Photo-Induced Infrared Absorption in ZnSe Single Crystals
- Polarization of the Blue-Copper Luminescence in ZnS Crystals
- Picosecond Dynamics of Optical Gain Duo to Electron-Hole Plasma in GaAs under Near Band-Gap Excitation
- Effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus and Its Components on Sex- and Learning-Behaviours and Tyrosine Hydroxylase Activities of Adrenal Gland and Hypothalamic Regions in Chronic Stressed Mice
- Effect of Eleutherococcus senticosus and Its Components on Rectal Temperature, Body and Grip Tones, Motor Coordination, and Exploratory and Spontaneous Movements in Acute Stressed Mice
- Luminescence of ZnIn_2S_4 and ZnIn_2S_4:Cu Single Crystals
- Tunable Near-Infrared Picosecond Pulses from a Mode-Locked Dye Laser Synchronously Pumped by Second Harmonic of a Nd:YAG Laser
- Nature of the Green-Copper Luminescence Transition in ZnS as Elucidated by the Measurements of Time-Resolved SPectrum
- Drift Mobilities of Electrons and Holes in ZnS Crystals
- Vibronic Transitions of Eu^ Ions in CaWO_4 and Other Tungstates
- Capture Processes of Excitons and Free Carriers by Shallow Donor-Acceptor Pairs in CdS
- Temperature Shift of the Green-Cu Luminescence Band in ZnS Phosphors
- Photon echo of pentacene molecules introduced in crystals with high concentration.