Revised Structures of Flavidulos, Constituents of Lactarius flavidulus IMAI, and the Structure of Flavidulol D
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The structure 1a proposed for flavidulol A, which was isolated from the mushroom Lactarius flavidulus IMAI, was revised to 1b based upon comparison with a synthetic specimen, as well as a difference nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) experiment. As a consequence, the structures of flavidulols B (2a) and C (3a) were also revised to 2b and 3b, respectively. Flavidulol D (4) was newly isolated from the same mushroom, and its structure was elucidated as flavidulol A stearate on the basis of spectroscopic data.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-11-15
太田 富久
草野 源次郎
Osaka University Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
太田 富久
金沢大 薬
高橋 昭
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
草野 源次郎
(Present address)Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences
太田 富久
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University
野副 重男
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University
太田 富久
金沢大学 薬学部 創薬資源化学教室
野副 重男
Ohta T
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University
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