Evaluation of Enteric Coated Tablet Sensitive to pancreatic Lipase. I. In Vitro Disintegration Test
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We designed a new enteric coated preparation which is pH independent and functions by pancreatic lipase activity in the duodenum. Triolein (TO) and trilaurin (TL) were selected as lipase sensitive components and ethylcellulose (EC) was used as the support film for TO and TL.Tablets (330 mg, d=10 mm) containing a model drug, sulfamethizole (SMZ), were coated with 1% each of TO, TL and EC solution by the fluidized bed coating technique. Disintegration tests were carried out in the media including JPXI 1st fluid (pH 1.2,JP-1), 2nd fluid (pH 6.8,JP-2) and JP-2 with gall powder and pancreatic lipase (JP-2-GL). The lag time of disintegration of the tablet (TOTL-Tab) coated 5-7 mg/tab with TO, TL and EC was about 10 min and all of the tablets disintegrated completely within 30 min in JP-2-GL. However, in the other media, which did not contain lipase, TOTL-Tab did not disintegrate for at least 2 h. It was confirmed that TO and TL in the coating film were digested by lipase. In addition, the tensil strength of the film decreased quickly after incubation in JP-2-GL.These results suggest that the application of TO, TL and EC to tablet coating is useful for an enteric release preparation sensitive to pancreatic lipase, even if patients have low gastric acidity or are taking antacids.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1992-07-25
後藤 茂
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu University
後藤 茂
菅家 甫子
雫 禎弘
増田 泰子
板倉 理恵
岡本 知子
西畑 利明
雫 禎弘
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University
増田 泰子
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University
板倉 理恵
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University
岡本 知子
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Fukuyama University
吉富 博則
菅家 甫子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Khon Kaen University
西畑 利明
Pharmacy Research Upjohn Tsukuba Research Laboratories
吉冨 博則
Faculty Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuyama University
西畑 利明
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department The University Of Kansas
後藤 茂
Faculity of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokushima
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