Use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Increased Assay Sensitivity of β-Lactamase Activity in Bile
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A study to develop a sensitive method for measuring β-lactamase activity in bile was conducted. Since separation of substrate from biological components is required to increase the assay sensitivity and to achieve an accurate assay of β-lactamase activity, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for separation and analysis of the substrates (cephaloridine for cephalosporinase, benzylpenicillin for penicillinase and cefuloxime for cefuloximase). In addition, conditions for increased assay sensitivity were also studied and optimal substrate concentrations and reaction times were determined. β-Lactamase activity of 0.05 munit/ml in bile was detected using the HPLC assay method which is a significant improvement when compared to the direct spectrophotometric method which has a detection limit of approximately 10 munit/ml.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1993-02-15
柏木 秀夫
西畑 利明
西畑 利明
Pharmacy Research Upjohn Tsukuba Research Laboratories
国枝 幸代
Pharmacy Research, Upjohn Tsukuba Research Laboratories
柏木 秀夫
Gastroenterological Surgery, Wakayama Medical College
谷村 弘
Gastroenterological Surgery, Wakayama Medical College
谷村 弘
Gastroenterological Surgery Wakayama Medical College
国枝 幸代
Pharmacy Research Upjohn Tsukuba Research Laboratories
西畑 利明
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department The University Of Kansas
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