Dissolution of Solid Dosage Form. II. Equations for the Dissolution of Nondisintegrating Tablet under the Sink Condition
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An equation for dissolution from the whole surface of a nondisintegrating single component tablet under the sink condition was derived. Also, equations for several dissolution manners of the tablet under the sink condition were derived in the postulation of the dominant dissolution rate constant which determines the dissolution manner. The applicability or validity of these equations were examined by the dissolution measurements with nondisintegrating single component tablets. About one-tenth the amount of the amount needed to saturate the solution was used to prepare a tablet, and dissolution measurements were carried out with the tablet whose flat or side surface was masked with an adhesive tape in accordance with the conditions for derivation of equations.Among the derived equations, dissolution from the whole surface of a tablet was expressed by a form similar to the cube root law equation for particles. Hence, a single component tablet compressed by the use of a suitable amount was thought to behave like a single crysta. Also, equations derived for several dissolution manners were thought to be applicable for the dissolution of a nonspherical particle and crystal concerning the crystal's habit and its dissolution property, and the extended applicability was examined by converting the crystal into a simplified or idealized form, i.e., rectangle or plate.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1991-03-25
米澤 頼信
砂田 久一
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
大塚 昭信
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
米澤 頼信
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
大塚 昭信
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
白倉 健史
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
米沢 頼信
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
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