Measurement of Adhesive Force between Particles of Organic Substances and Polymer Substrates by the Centrifugal Separation Method : Effect of Electrostatic Charge
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Effects of electrostatic force on adhesion between pharmaceutical powder particles (phenacetin and sulfadimethoxine) and various polymer substrates (polyethylene (PE), polyvinylchloride (PVC), Eudragit E100,polyvinylacetal diethylamino acetate (AEA), Eudragit L30D-55) were investigated using the centrifugal separation technique. Two methods were used to attach powder particles to a substrate, the free falling method and the fluidization method. Average adhesive force, f_<50>, and electric potential, V, in the fluidized method were found to be greater than those in the free falling method for all lthe pharmaceutical powder/polymer substrate systems examined. Average adhesive force, f_<50>, increased with a decrease in surface polarity, P_0,of polymer substrate for each powder.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-09-15
飯田 耕太郎
壇上 和美
砂田 久一
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
大塚 昭信
檀上 和美
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
大塚 昭信
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
Danjo K
名城大学 薬学部
壇上 和美
飯田 耕太郎
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
Danjo K
Fac. Of Pharmacy Meijo Univ.
Iida K
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Iida Kotaro
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
大塚 昭信
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
檀上 和美
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
飯田 耕太郎
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
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