- 論文の詳細を見る
The dynamic process of tree and forest growth is a very complicated phenomenon because of the interaction and competition among trees. The foliage within the tree crown is dominant in determining the penetration of solar radiant energy through tree crown, which will affect the photosynthesis of the tree. The crown structure changes dynamically due to The overlapping among trees, and it is an important factor to produce great impact on the tree growth, Graphical generation of botanical plants as in the work of Aono & kunii, Lindenmayer et.al [3] and some others emphasized the static description of the tree image and the branch geometry. These models did not consider the botanical production. We call these models branch-geometry-based model. different from our crown-geometry-based model. In these methods, as will as in[5] the tree image was generated by the simple and unconditional use of the rewriting rules without consideration of species-specific crown geometry and the space constraint which greatly influence the tree growth,especially in the existence of many trees as in the case of forest. Our research focuses on the dynamics of the tree growth through the description of the dynamics and the adaptive geometry of both the crown and the branch. The crown structure of a tree is affected by the environment, such as the surrounding trees. The bifurcation process within a tree crown is controlled by the introduction of the ramification function.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 1993-03-01
國井 利泰
國井 利泰
楊 暁虹
The University of Tokyo
劉 方生
The University of Tokyo
國井 利泰
The University of Tokyo
國井 利やす
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