Trichoderma virideのcellulolytic complexについて : (1)濾紙崩壊活性区分の分離
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It was suggested by the authors that there may be three cellulase components. namely C_1 (cellulase hydrolyzing native cellulose, such as cotton thread), C_2 (cellulase hydrolysing modified imsoluble cellulose, such as filter paper and swollen cellulose) and C_3 (cellulase hydrolysing modified soluble cellulose , such as CMC), in Japan-made commercial cellulase preparations derived from Trichoderma viride or Aspergillus niger.Celluloytic activities of various preparations including others derived from another molds were assayed using the following substrates, cotton thread for C_1,filter paper for C_2 and CMC for C_3. Those activities were compared with each other by the use of enzyme in the concentration of 1% according to the methods previously described. C_1 and C_2 activities were shown markedly in T. viride preparation, while C_3 activity of Asp. niger preparation was superior to any other preparation.In an attempt to differentiate three components from one anoter, satisfatory result was obtained by the use of cellulose column using pulverized filter payer or disintegrated gauze in a Waring blendor or cellulose powder. After washing with McIlvaine buffer, pH 3.0,T. viride preparation was adsorbed on those cellulose columns, then enzymes were eluted with McIlvaine buffer ranging from pH 3.0 to pH 7.0 and finally with water. The effluent with buffer contained C_1 and most of C_3 activities, whereas C_2 activity accompanying C_1 and C_3 activities was recognized in the eluate with water. In the case of gauze column, the peak of C_1,C_2 did not coincide with that of C_3 in the fraction eluted with water.Various cellulosic substrates, such as filter paper, Avicel and gauze, were decomposed with T. viride or Asp. niger preparation on a rotary shaker. Remarkable degradation of such insoluble substrates was accomplished using T. viride preparation. Consequently crystalline region of cellulose was efefctively decomposed with T. viride preparation, although C_3 activity was revealed markedly in Asp. niger preparation.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1964-04-15
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