Rhizopus屬菌の乳酸生成能に就て(第2報) : 乳酸の施光性
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Authours differed in the data with respect to the optical character of lactic acid formed by Rhizpus-group; namely, Saito (1 strain), and Takahshi and co-workers (6 strains) claimed it ^l-form, while Ehrlich (2 strains), Ward and others (5 strains) and Waksman and Foster (1 strain) asserted it d-form.We reinvestigated carefully on this point using our 31 strains which had been selected as lactic acid formers.One strain was found not to be true lactic acid former, and the cause of this misun-derstanding will be discussed in teh future publication.Remaining 30 strains produced almost unexceptionally pure d-lactic acid, although in one strain (Rh. pseudochinensis) partical recemization was one found.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1949-10-15
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