合成清酒に於ける "火落ち" の問題について : 各種合成清酒に対する火落菌の接種試験
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According to the regulations of Sake-manufacture tax, the brewer of recent artificial Sake is permitted to mix his product with genuine Sake made from polished rice not exceeding 5 per cent of the finished beverage by weight.1) The relation between the proportion of mixing genuine Sake and Hiochi.Of the species of Hiochi-kin, Lactobacillus homohiochi (H-43), Lactobacillus acidophilus (H-7) and Lactobacillus fermentum (H-34) are able to grow in artificial Sake which contains genuine Sake in an amount calculated on the basis of 5〜7 wt. per cent of polished rice. If the added quantity of genuine Sake is less, it is difficult for them to grow. For the growth of Lactobacillus heterohiochi (H-1), however, it is necessary to supplement genuine Sake in a larger proportion than is calculated on 15 wt. per cent of polished rice.2) Hiochi in some types of artificial Sake. Owing to the dificiency of hiochic acid, two species of Hiochi-kin, Lactobacillus homohiochi (H-43) and Lactobacillus heterohiochi (H-1), cannot grow in the artificial Sake which is brewed without using rice, and by adding soy-bean casein digested with protease. The other types of artificial Sake are brewed by the utilization of rice-koji and so the four species of Hiochi-kin are able to grow readily in them.Lactobacillus heterohiochi appears most frequently in the putrefaction of genuine Sake, but this bacillus is hardly discovered in artificial Sake if the proportion of mixing genuine Sake is not over 10 vol. %.
- 公益社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1957-11-15
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