26aYF-7 Parametric instabilities of intense lasers from interaction with electron beams
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- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-09-03
Mima Kunioki
Institue Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Sentoku Yasuhiko
Institue Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Sheng Zheng-ming
Institue Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Nishihara Katsunobu
Institue Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Sheng Zheng-Ming
ILE, Osaka University
Mima Kunioki
ILE, Osaka University
Sentoku Yasuhiko
ILT, Suita, Osaka
Nishihara Katsunobu
ILE, Osaka University
- Intense Nickel-like Neodymium X-Ray Laser at 7.9 nm with a Double-Curved-Slab Target
- Generation of Super-Fast Ions due to Nonlinear Processes near the Quarter Critical Density in Laser-Produced Plasmas
- 24pQE-12 Particle-in-cell simulation on proton acceleration using cone targets
- Observation of Burn and Pusher Regions of Laser-Driven Large-High-Aspect-Ratio Target by α-Particle Imaging
- Ablation Nonuniformity on Laser Irradiated Pellet and Collisional Hot Electron Filamentation
- Simulation Study of the Multi-Species Ion Plasma Interacting with an Ultra Intense Laser
- Experimental Study on Electron Beam Energy Recovery System Using a Laser-Heated Electron Gun and a Multistage Electron Collector for Highly Efficient Beam Application
- Observation of Spontaneous Radiation Emitted by Electron Beam Interaction with Electromagnetic Helical Microwiggler
- Proof of Principle Experiments for Compton Scattering of a Stored Photon in a Supercavity
- Conceptual Design Studies of a Laser Diode Pumped Solid State Laser System for the Laser Fusion Reactor Driver
- Ignition and Burning Calculations in Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven by Light Ion Beam
- Pellet Gain Optimization of Particle Beam Fusion with Au Shell and DT Fuel Target
- Numerical Studies of Induced Emission and Saturation of Free Electron Lasers Using a CO_2 Laser Wiggler
- Electrostatic Field Generation and Hot Electron Reduction in a Laser Produced Plasma
- Hot Electron Transport Inhibition and Density Modification due to Electrostatic Field
- Simulations of Anomalous Stimulated Raman Backscattering in a Bounded Plasma
- Two Secondary Fusion Reactions in Deuterium Fuel as a Diagnostic for Fuel-Pusher Mixing Rate in Inertial Confinement Fusion
- Smoothing of Nonuniformity by X-ray Radiation in Cannonball Target
- Measurement of ICF Plasma Parameters by the Activation Method
- Effects of Multiple Shock and Thermal Conduction on Mixing Layer Evolution in a Stagnating High-Gain Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Shock-Wave-Driven Instability at Material Interface in Laser Driven Implosion
- Quasi-Linear Saturation in Free Electron Lasers
- Nonlinear Effects in Collective Absorption
- Anomalous Transmission of Laser Light through a Thin Foil Target under 1.06 μm Laser Irradiation
- Design of Modified Wiggler for Higher Harmonic Lasing of Free Electron Laser
- Deflagration Waves in Laser Compression. I
- 22aWE-2 Generation of One-Cycle Laser Pulses by Use of High Amplitude Plasma Waves
- 26aYF-7 Parametric instabilities of intense lasers from interaction with electron beams
- 6p-YM-1 On the Theory of Relativistically Intense EM Wave Propagation in Overdense Plasma and the Boundary-Value Problem
- Spatial Coherence Measurement of 13.9nm Ni-like Ag Soft X-Ray Laser Pumped by a 1.5ps, 20J Laser
- Effects of Spectator Electrons on X-Ray Spectra of Impurity Ar in High Denisty Plasmas
- High-Crder Harmonic Generation in Dense Plasmas with a High Inensity Light Field
- Neutral Debris Mitigation in Laser Produced Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source by the Use of Minimum-Mass Tin Target
- Relativistic Electron Fluid Simulation and Studies on Electric Shock Wave Formation(Gases, plasmas, electric discharges, and beams)
- 20pZB-6 Merits of double-cone target for fast ignition
- 20aZB-3 3D PIC Simulation on the Focusing of Intense Laser via Parabolic Plasma
- Whistler Wave Trapping in a Narrow Density Trough
- Hot Electron Energy Distribution in One-Dimensional Cannonball Target at 10.6 μm Laser Wavelength
- Energetic Proton Generation in a Thin Plastic Foil Irradiated by Intense Femtosecond Lasers
- Interaction of Ultra Intense Laser with Overdense Plasma
- Magnetic Field Effects on Resonance Absorption
- Ultrahigh Pulsed Magnetic Field Produced by a CO_2 Laser
- Measurements of Intensity Scaling of Ablation Pressure at 10.6 μm and 1.05 μm Laser Wavelengths
- Measurements of Ablation Pressure and Mass Ablation Rate Using a Target Pendulum and a Thin Foil Target at 10 μm Laser Wavelength
- Fine Structures of Laser-Driven Punched-Out Tin Fuels Observed with Extreme Ultraviolet Backlight Imaging
- Study of Thermal Smoothing by Shock Speed Measurement
- Spatial Coherence Measurement of 13.9 nm Ni-like Ag Soft X-Ray Laser Pumped by a 1.5 ps, 20 J Laser
- Stationary Spectrum of Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Electrostatic Turbulence in Magnetized Plasmas
- Deflagration Waves Supported by Thermal Radiation
- Ion Collection by Electromagnetic Force
- 21pRS-7 Phase modulation of probe light via laser induced wake field plasma wave
- Effects of Relativistic Binary Collisions on PIC Simulation of Laser Plasmas
- Measurement of absorption distribution by second harmonic and x-ray images
- Relativistic Effects on Transport Coefficients in Collision Dominant Magnetoactive Plasmas
- Thermonuclear Reaction Wave in High-Density Plasma
- Solitons and Shock Waves in Two-Electron-Temperature Plasmas
- Rarefaction lon Acoustic Solitons in Two-Electron-Temperature Plasma
- An Extension of Spitzer-Harm Theory on Thermal Transport to Steep Temperature Gradient Case.I.General Formulation
- Two Langmuir Wave Parametric Decay Instability Driven and Trapped by a Self-Trapped Electromagnetic Pump
- An Extension of Spitzer-Harm Theory on Thermal Transport to Steep Temperature Gradient Case.II.Integral Representation
- Effects of Thermal Conduction and Compressibility on Rayleigh-Taylor Instability
- Realistic Gain in Raman Regime Free Electron Laser-Effect of Beam Energy Spread-
- Efficient Shell Implosion and Target Design
- Optimization of Shell Implosion Driven by Black Body Radiation
- Fabrication of Low-Density Solid Xenon as Laser-Produced Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Source
- 25pXB-3 Turbulence and structure in dense plasmas
- Scaling Laws of Plasma Ablation by Thermal Radiation
- Advanced Target Design for the FIREX-I Project
- Laser Production of Extreme Ultraviolet Light Source for the Next Generation Lithography Application
- Theoretical Study of Ultra-Relativistic Laser Electron Interaction in the Strong Radiation Reaction Regime
- Theoretical Study of Ultra-Relativistic Laser Electron Interaction with Radiation Reaction by Quantum Description
- Influence of Electrostatic and Magnetic Fields on Hot Electron Emission in Ultra-Intense Laser Matter Interactions
- Modeling of Atomic Processes of Multiple Charged Ions in Plasmas and Its Application to the Study of EUV Light Sources
- Prepulse Effect for Recombining Plasma Produced by Ultrashort High-Intensity Lasers
- Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Irradiated Low-Density Xe Targets
- Systematic Study on Ce:LuLiF4 as a Fast Scintillator Using Storage Ring Free-Electron Lasers
- Low-Density-Plastic-Foam Capsule of Resorcinol/Formalin and (Phloroglucinolcarboxylic Acid)/Formalin Resins for Fast-Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) in Laser Fusion Research
- Zonal Proton Generation from Target Edges Using Ultra-Intense Laser Pulse
- Shock Pyrometry of Laser-Irradiated Foils Below 1 eV
- High Energy Electron Generation by Laser-Cone Interaction
- Monochromatic X-Ray Sampling Imager for Laser-Imploded Core Plasma Observation with Highly Spatial, Temporal, and Spectral Resolutions
- Properties of Shell-Confined Long Life Plasmas Produced by Lasers
- X-Ray Polarization Spectroscopy of Heα Line Emission for Diagnosis of the Anisotropy of Hot Electrons
- Pulse Expansion and Doppler Shift of Ultrahigh Intense Short Pulse Laser by Slightly Overdense Plasma
- Proton Acceleration in the Interaction of an Intense Laser Light with a Cone Plasma Target and Coated Proton Layer
- Multi-Species Ion Acceleration in Expansion of Finite-Size Plasma Targets
- Dynamics of Self-Generated Magnetic Fields in Stagnation Phase and their Effects on Hot Spark Formation
- Optimization of Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Produced Tin Plasmas Based on Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations
- Experimental Study on Soft X-Ray Radiation Emitted from a Laser-Heated Gold Cavity
- Electron Orbit Analysis in a Localized Plasma-Beat Wave and a Plasma Fiber Accelerator
- Particle-in-Cell Simulation of the Measurement of Laser Wakefields with Raman Scattering of Probe Laser Light
- Effects of Relativistic Thermal Velocity Spread of Beam on Electromagnetic Instabilities in Fast Ignition