Stationary Spectrum of Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Electrostatic Turbulence in Magnetized Plasmas
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We present a stationary &-?spectrum of pseudo-three-dimensional electrostaticplasma turbulence in a uniform, loss-less, magnetized plasma based on the modelactuation of Hasenawa and Mima; 8/8t(cfi -V'cl)-1-LVcfi><B'VjV'c/t=O. The k-spectrum for a potential $.is given by<l$.l'>=(l+A") '(tA-fik') ', where aand p are constants. The existence of the two constants, a and fi, in the spectrumis the consequence of the two rugged constants of motion. The spectrum isobtained using three different methods, namely, tlte method of Gibbs distribution,of llopf's equation and of Wiener Hermite expansion. Because of the similarityof the equation, the obtained spectrum should also apply to the hydrodynamicturbulence of geostrophic vortices.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1978-09-15
Mima Kunioki
Institue Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Taniuti Tosiya
Department Of Engineering Natural Science-mathematics Chubu University
Imamura Tsutomu
Department Of Physics Kwansei Gakuin University
Imamura Tsutomu
Department Of Physics Kaansei Gakuin University
Bell Laboratories
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