Ignition and Burning Calculations in Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven by Light Ion Beam
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We study burning processes in inertial confinement fusion driven by intense lightton beam (LIB) with a 1-D Lagrangian code. It is found that burning processeshave two phases ; they are an ignition and its propagation phase, and a recompres-sion rhase. In the isnition of nuclear reactions and its rror>asation r>hase, t:tR iskept at ].5g/cm" but in the recompression phase pR jncreases steeply up to 3.5g/cm". An Au shell surrounding a DT fuel plays two roles in each phase i.e. in theformer phase it acts as a tamper to confine the DT fuel and in the latter phase itrecompresses the DT fuel to lead high pR.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1981-09-15
Okehara Jun-yoshi
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University
IDO Shunji
Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University
Ido Shunji
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Nishihara K
Institute Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Nishihara Katsunobu
Institue Of Laser Engineering Osaka University
Yamanaka Chiyoe
Institute For Laser Technology
- Optimum Design of Exploding Pusher Target to Produce Maximum Neutrons
- Efficient Spherical Compression of Cannonball Targets with 1.052-μm Laser Beams
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- Jet Formation and Application for Inertial Confinement Fusion Target
- Experimental Study of Alternative Implosion Concepts for Particle Beam ICF
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- Characteristics of Transported Ion Beam in Laser-Initiated Plasma Channels
- CO_2 Laser Guided Plasma Channel for Light Ion Beam Transport
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- Observation of Burn and Pusher Regions of Laser-Driven Large-High-Aspect-Ratio Target by α-Particle Imaging
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- Soft X-Ray Driven Ablation and Its Positive Use for a New Efficient Acceleration
- Ablation Nonuniformity on Laser Irradiated Pellet and Collisional Hot Electron Filamentation
- Performance of Radial Focus Applied-B Ion Diode on a Coaxial Pulse Power Machine
- New Scheme of Cannonball Target Driven by Ion Beam
- Light Ion Beam Transport in a Multi-Plasma Channel System
- Characteristics of Intense Ion Beam in Pinch Reflex Diode
- Study of Double Foil Acceleration by Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Irradiation
- Determination of Energies of Intense Light Ion Beams by the Boron-Nitride Nuclear Activation Method
- Ablative Acceleration of Thin Foil Targets by Intense Proton Beams
- Generation and Focusing of Intense Ion Beams in Pinch-Reflex Diode
- Enhancement of the Ion Current Density in Magnetically Insulated Ion Diodes
- Production of Ion Beams in Pinched-Electron-Beam Diode
- Experimental Study on Electron Beam Energy Recovery System Using a Laser-Heated Electron Gun and a Multistage Electron Collector for Highly Efficient Beam Application
- Observation of Spontaneous Radiation Emitted by Electron Beam Interaction with Electromagnetic Helical Microwiggler
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- Efficient Laser Absorption in Low Density Foam Target
- Ignition and Burning Calculations in Inertial Confinement Fusion Driven by Light Ion Beam
- Pellet Gain Optimization of Particle Beam Fusion with Au Shell and DT Fuel Target
- Computer Simulation of Nonlinear Propagation Characteristics of CO_2 Laser Pulse
- Harmonics of Thomson Backscattered X-Rays
- Analysis of Laser Beam Propagation Effects in Atomic Laser Isotope Separation
- Two Secondary Fusion Reactions in Deuterium Fuel as a Diagnostic for Fuel-Pusher Mixing Rate in Inertial Confinement Fusion
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- Measurement of ICF Plasma Parameters by the Activation Method
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- Deflagration Waves in Laser Compression. I
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- Interaction of Laser and Plasma Investigated by Scattering of Light
- The Laser Interaction with Plasma Brillouin Backscattering and Isotope Shift : Spectroscopy
- A Pellet Model of DT Ignitor and DD Fuel for an ICF Reactor without Tritium Breeding Blanket
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- Ion Collection by Electromagnetic Force
- Implosion Efficiency of Light Ion Beam Driven Target
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- Cryogenic Neutron Calorimeter for and ICF Test Facility
- Thermonuclear Reaction Wave in High-Density Plasma
- Solitons and Shock Waves in Two-Electron-Temperature Plasmas
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- Multi-Species Ion Acceleration in Expansion of Finite-Size Plasma Targets
- Neutronics calculations in pellets and blankets of laser fusion reactor concept SENRI-I.
- Optimization of Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from Laser-Produced Tin Plasmas Based on Radiation Hydrodynamics Simulations
- Experimental Study on Soft X-Ray Radiation Emitted from a Laser-Heated Gold Cavity
- Effects of Relativistic Thermal Velocity Spread of Beam on Electromagnetic Instabilities in Fast Ignition