Effects of Relativistic Frequency Down-Shift and Optical Thickness on Measurements of Electron Temperature Profile from Electron Cyclotron Emission in Medium Temperature Tokamak Plasmas
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The inuportance of the tel;ttivistic ['n'equency down-shift and the optical thickness is pointedout in the detern'xination of the electron t,etaaperature profile frona electron cyclotron euaaission(ICE) raaeastrrenaent in the naedittrn electron teunperattrre region. These efl'ects c?ttrse a psetrdoradial displacement (,4r) of the obtained electron teraaperattrre profile. The psetrdo displacenaentdepends on only three paranaeters (the electron ternperattrr'e, T., the optical depth, r, and theraaajor raditrs, R). In order to correct the radial position in any tokazaaak, a scaling law of thedisplacettaent is derived as Ar (uaa) : 0.0009 R (m) T. (keV) (l -f- 40/(5r)). This scaling law isapplicable to the plasm;r with r >5 where the error is less than 0,5% of' the rna.jor r?tditus.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1998-09-15
SATO Masayasu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Division of Large Tokamak
ISEI Nobuaki
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sato Masayasu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Division Of Large Tokamak
Ishida Shuichi
Division Of Cardiovascular Medicine Department Of Internal Medicine Ohmori Hospital Toho University
ISHIDA Shinichi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Isei N
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sato Masayasu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Ishida S
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
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