Feasibility of Electron Density Measurement Using Relativistic Downshift Frequency Effect of Electron Cyclotron Emission in Tokamak Plasmas
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Society of Applied Physicsの論文
- 2005-06-10
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Kawahata Kazuo
National Institute For Fusion Science
SATO Masayasu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Division of Large Tokamak
岩間 尚文
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
IWAMA Naofumi
Daido Institute of Technology
Masayasu Sato
Naka Fusion Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Sato Masayasu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Division Of Large Tokamak
Sato Masayasu
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Akihiko Isayama
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
IWAMA Naofumi
Daido Inst. Tech., Nagoya 457-8530, Japan
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
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- トモグラフィ
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- Feasibility of Electron Density Measurement Using Relativistic Downshift Frequency Effect of Electron Cyclotron Emission in Tokamak Plasmas
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- 6. 揺動解析の新しい方法 : 特異値分解 : プラズマの揺動解析入門 VI
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