Pressure Effect on the Phase Transition in (CH_3)_2NH_2H_2AsO_4 and Its Isotope Effect
- 論文の詳細を見る
The effect of hydrostatic presstrre on the phase t?'ansitioza of (CH3)2NH2H2ASO,l was inves-tigated by dielectric meastrrement at laigh presstrre LIP to alcout 1.5 GPa. A presstrre-indtrcedphase for (CH3)2NH2H2ASO4 was uaewly observed above 1.36GPa at rootaa teunperature. Tlaetransition to tlae presstrre-indttced phaxse sltows first order cl?aracter. Tlte efl'ects of l?ydrostaticpresstrre on the ferroelectric transition teunperattrres for both crystals of (CH3)2NH2H2AS04 and(CH3)2N(H0.5D0.5)2(H0.5DO.5)2AS04 xvere dielectrically itavestigated. As the presstrre increases,the transitiott tetnperatures for both cryst?tls rnonotoraotmsly decrease. Their pressure derivatives, dT./dp, xvere obtained to be -49 l:l K/GPa for (CH3)2NH2H2ASO.4 and -52 -El. l K/GPafor (CH3)2N(H0.500.5)2(HO.5DO.5)2ASO4. From the present experinaental results, the lack of 2111appreciable isotope effect on dT.7c1p xvas obserxxed in (CH3)2NH2H2ASO4.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1999-12-15
Yamada Takefumi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo
OSAKA Toshio
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Science, Science University of Tokyo
Hatori Junko
Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Osaka T
Tokyo Univ. Sci. Tokyo
Osaka Toshio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Osaka Toshio
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Komukae M
Tokyo Univ. Sci. Tokyo
Komukae Masaru
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Komukae M
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Shikanai Fumihito
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo University Of Science
Yamada T
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
Yamada Takefumi
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
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