Effect of long-term incubation of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on triacylglycerol metabolism in HepG2 cells
Yanagita Teruyoshi
佐賀大学 食糧科学
柳田 晃良
Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Yanagita Teruyoshi
Laboratory Of Nutrition Biochemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Yanagita Teruyoshi
Dep. Of Applied Biochemistry And Food Sci. Saga Univ.
Yanagita Teruyoshi
Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Sonda Kazuhisa
Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University
Shinkai Keisuke
Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University
Sonda Kazuhisa
Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Shinkai Keisuke
Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University
Yanagita Teruyoshi/sonda
Faculty Of Agriculture Saga University/faculty Of Agriculture Saga University/faculty Of Agriculture
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