Esterification of Glycosides with Glycerol ant Trimethylolpropane Moieties by Candida cylidracea Lipase(Biological Chemistry)
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Glycosides, the reducing ends of which were glycerol and 2-ethyl-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (trimethylolpropane, TMP), were esterified with oleic acid (OA) by a lipase from Candida cylindracea. Two glycosides, 1-O-β-D-galactosyl glycerol (Gal-1-Gl) and O-α-D-glucosyl TMP (Glc-TMP), were enzymatically synthesized by transglycosylation. Glc-TMP was esterified at a higher water content than Gal-1-Gl. When an equal amount of the glycosides and OA were used as substrates, almost 20% and 50% of OA were consumed for the esterification of Gal-1-Gl and Glc-TMP, respectively. Lauric, capric, and caprylic acids also gave esters. Oleic ester synthesis was compared among several related glycosides. the enzyme esterified the glycosides with a TMP moiety better than those with a glycerol moiety. The reaction was scarcely affected not only by the kind of monosaccharide moieties but also by anomeric linkage types between the moieties.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1991-08-23
Tominaga Y
Dep. Of Applied Biochemistry And Food Sci. Saga Univ.
Yanagita Teruyoshi
Lab. Of Nutrition Biochemistry Dep. Of Applied Biochemistry And Food Sci. Saga Univ.
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute, and Yashiro Co, Ltd.,
Yanagita Teruyoshi
Dep. Of Applied Biochemistry And Food Sci. Saga Univ.
Tominaga Yoshio
The Organ Transplant Center Nagoya Second Red Cross Hospital
Takenishi Shigeyuki
Osaka Municipal Technical Research lnstitute
Nakano Hirofumi
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute
Takenishi S
Osaka Municipal Technical Res. Inst. Osaka Jpn
Takenishi Shigeyuki
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute
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