<原著>「多元的現実としてのスポーツ」論の構成に関する試論的考察 : 聖-俗理論等のスポーツ論に対する意味
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We have discussed on the concept of sport from various view points, for example, sport as a play, or as an institution, in order to reconstruct a new sport theory. In those discussions, we thought that sport should neither be contrasted with social realities nor be considered to be subsumed by a paramount reality, conversely sport should be understood as one of the multiple realities and sport construct a multiple reality in itself. When we stand on this point, it is the most important problem what sport as a multiple reality is and how sport relates with other realities. By the way, on the one hand it is said that theories on the sacred and the profane in Europe, or "Hare to Ke" in Japan are regarded as special theories of multiple reality. On the other hand sport is generally understood as the unreal and sacres, or “Hare”. From these reasons, we explore that sport should be constructed as a multiple reality what kind of characteristic it has, through examing theories related on the profane and sacred. We found various epistemological and methodological frame of reference to reconstruct the concept of sport as follows: 1) Sport is a specialized category of meaning which construct through symbolizing based on artifical promises and codes, and sport is a real context which has peculiar orders and structures. 2) Sport is not the sacred as one side of a scheme of the sacred and profane, because the sacred in itself has many opposite characteristics, and the standard to distinguish the sacred from the profane is attitudes toward objects, not in object in itself. 3) Sport as the sacred should be understood not as a real concept, as an analytical concept, so sport is a sacred and/or prfane reality in itself analitycally. 4) Psychologicalism and romanticism theories, and intellectualism and structurism are two major thories on play and sport, however, we could not see them as complete orgiastic phenomena and unti or non-structural phenomena. Conversely, we should think them as a other reality which is not non-order but unti-order. In relation to this problem, it is the most important view point how we can reconstruct intersupprementarilly the above psychologicalism and intellecturism in a new sport theory. 5) We should construct a new sport theory which intends to analyze social change, because the past sacred and profane theories can analyze the process but they can not analyze the change. As Leach's stage theory.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1990-03-28
小谷 寛二
多々納 秀雄
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
菊 幸一
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
小谷 寛二
Simonoseki University of Fisheres
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