<原著>スポーツ参加の多変量解析(II) : 数量化理論第III類によるパターン分析
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The present study was carried out to classify the many kinds of sport events and to examine the elements contributed to sport participation. The reason we studied was that many researches attended to elucidate various aspects of contributing elements as explanatory variables, but there was no study to classify the variety of sport events as an external criterion, especially from sociological aspect. 344 adult people were sampled. Concerning the response of "I particpated in the last year", 49 sport events were organized and classified into pattern in accordance with the third fomulae of quantification (Multidimensional Analytics in Case of No Outside Criterion). In general, the factor analysis classify a man or an item independently. But Hayashi categiries both a man and an item simultaneously. His fomulae also have an advantage of consequently assigning an a priori score to a category, even if a factor is qualitative, and even if relations among factors are not linear. Based on the responses, the correlative coefficient and Axis which were obtained for the pattern classification results from Root (and Axis) I to III are as follows: Axis I Male -- Female (or vrolent-light) (ρ=0.54) Axis II General & popular events --Special & technical events (ρ=0.53) Axis III Competitive events -- Recreational events (ρ=0.49) Axis I had relations with the sexes and marriage, and Axis 11 with the age, marriage and living conditions, and Axis: with marriage, living conditions, occupation, the state of health and physical fiteness and the sexes. Based on three Axes, all of sport events were showed in Fig. 2 , 3 , 4. In addition, the distance from the origin to classify what events are central or mariginal, and the mutual distance to know intimacy among sport events were computed. As the results, sport events were classified and characterized as follows; (type 1) Pingpong, Softball, Bowling, Walking, Swimming (sea, river) , Running, etc. These events were not related to the division of sexes and fitness, and light, general, popular and central sport events. (type 2) Volleyball, Badminton, Calithenics, etc. These are competitive, popular and central sport events participated especially by females. (type 3) Tennis, Boat, Japanese wrestling, etc. These are recreational, special and mariginal sport events participated especially by males. (type 4) Skate, Archery, Camping, Hiking, Crimbing and Swimming (pool) , etc. These are recreational, special and mariginal sport events. They have not relations with distinction of age or sex. (type 5) Track & Field, Basketball, Soccer, Gymnastics, etc. These are competitive, technical, special and mariginal sport events participated especially by males. (type 6) Gateball, Folkdance, Dance, Cycling, etc. These are soiable, recreational, special and mariginal sport events participated especially by females and the aged. (type 7) This does not constitute one type or group. But this type consists of very popular, recreational, but mariginal events, such as Baseball, Golf, Kendo, etc.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1980-03-30
多々納 秀雄
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
厨 義弘
Department of Physical Education, Fukuoka University of Education
多々納 秀雄
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
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