<原著>スポーツ参加の多変量解析(I) : 数量化理論第II類による要因分析
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The present study is one of a series of researches designed to classify the various elements in the past and the present which contribute to sport participation. Analysis of the data was made by Hayashi's Quantification Theory (II) which categories both a man and an item, and both quantative and qualitative elements simultaneously, according to sex and frequency of sport participation as an external criterion. Fourty-four items which consisted of such seven elements as demographic elements, living conditions, living consciousness, sport experiences, parents, sport consciousness and sport conditions were employed as explanatory variables. Subjects were 344 adults of both sexes. Main results may be summarized as follows ; 1. Discriminant analysis among sport participants was conducted according to the explanatory variables created in the present research. The result showed that correlation ratios differed with sexes and frequencies of sport participation, and the correlation ratios of females were higher than those of males, in other words females were apt to be affected more strongly by the elements in the present research than males. 2. The examination on the contribution strength of individual elements was conducted by simple and partial correlation coefficients, and the results showed that main elements affecting sport participation based on simple correlation coefficients were preferencial attitude toward sport, expressional and instrumental beliefs toward sport, parents' sport encouragement and sport leader. When we can name the dirrect and primary elements about the above elements, we can name the indirrect and secondary elements about sport experiences, significant others, living conditions and consciousness and demographic elements, which exercise not so strong and dirrect influences and relations to sport participation. 3. On the other hand, according to partial correlation coefficients, the main elements were sport group, occupation, the age of child, parents' sport encouragement, views of leisure and academic background, etc. Generally, psychological elements which had higher simple correlation coefficients were apt to become lower in partial correlation coefficients. Conversely, the demographic elements became higher than the psychological elements in partial correlation coefficients. 4. Males were more affected by occupation, preferencial attitudes toward sport and satisfaction level in life, wheares females were affected by parents' sport encouragement, sport group and health or physical fiteness. Occupation contributed most strongly to males, but it had not any influence on females. Generally speaking, the demographic elements and attitudes toward sport had very strong influences on males, wheares living conditions, sport conditions and significant others had very strong influences on females. As to sport conditions, males were affected by leader and group in order, females were affected by group and facilities in order. As to the past elements, sport experiences in school had strong influences on males, on the other hand parents' encouragement had on females. The past living conditions affected strongly to males, but the present living conditions affected strongly to females conversely.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1980-03-30
多々納 秀雄
Institute of Health Science, Kyushu University
厨 義弘
Department of Physical Education, Fukuoka University of Education
多々納 秀雄
Institute Of Health Science Kyushu University
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