Y-Branch Buried Heterostructure(BH) Laser by In-Situ Etching and Regrowth Process
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Y-shaped branch lasers with buried heterostructure (BH) waveguide are fabricated by an in-situ etching and regrowth technique. Strong lateral confinement by the BH structure made propagation of the optical wave insensitive to the curvature of the waveguide. Far field pattern of the Y-branch laser was controlled digitally by adjusting the bias current at edge of the each branch waveguide. The quantitative behavior of the Y-branch laser was explained by the bi-directional eigenmode propagation (BEP) analysis.
- 東海大学の論文
OGURA Mutsuo
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Department of Electronics, School of Information Technology and Electronics, Tokai University
OGURA Mutsuo
Optoelectronic Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory
KAJI Ryosaku
Optoelectronic Division, Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kaji R
Optoelectronic Division Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kikuchi T
Course Of Electronics Graduate School Of Engineering Tokai University
Ogura Mutsuo
Optoelectronic Division Electrotechnical Laboratory
Kurosu T
Department Of Electronics School Of Engineering Tokai University
Kurosu Tateki
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Tokai University
Kikuchi Takuya
Graduate School of Engineering, Tokai University
Kaji Ryosaku
Electrotechnical laboratory
Miyagawa Takehiko
R and D center, Shindengen Kougyou Co., Ltd
Miyagawa T
R And D Center Shindengen Kougyou Co. Ltd
Department of Electronics
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