Preparation of Platinum Palladium Monoxide Pt_<1-x>Pd_xO Thin Films
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Platinum palladium monoxide (Pt1-xPdxO) thin films with an arbitrary composition, where 0≤x≤1, were prepared by reactive cosputtering of platinum and palladium targets. The oxidation states of each atom of Pt and Pd were confirmed as that of PtO and PdO, respectively. Two infrared absorption peaks were found in the mid-infrared region and they exhibited linear peak shifts toward a lower wavenumber with increasing x. Thus, we completed successful preparation of Pt1-xPdxO thin films with a homogeneous phase. The crystallinity of the Pt1-xPdxO thin films improved when the composition exceeded x=0.56. The preferred orientation changed continuously between x=0 (PtO) and x=1 (PdO). The optical bandgap decreased when x decreased from 1, and became unclear in a low Pd content region, including x=0 (PtO).
- 2010-02-20
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, Science and Technology, Meiji University
MIURA Noboru
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, Science and Technology, Meiji University
Department of Physics, Science and Technology, Meiji University
NAKANO Ryotaro
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, Science and Technology, Meiji University
Department of Electronics and Bioinformatics, Science and Technology, Meiji University
Miura N
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyushu Univer
Iwai Yuki
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Science And Technology Meiji University
Nakano R
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Science And Technology Meiji University
Nakano Ryotaro
Department Of Elecronics & Communications School Of Science & Technology Meiji University
Miura Noriyuki
Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd.
Miura N
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Science And Technology Meiji University
Nakano Ritsuko
Process Development Division Fujitsu Limited
Miura Naruhisa
Advanced Technology R&d Center Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Matsumoto Setsuko
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering Meiji University
Matsumoto Hironaga
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Science And Technology Meiji University
Matsumoto Hironaga
Department Of Elecronics & Communications School Of Science & Technology Meiji University
Matsumoto H
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Science And Technology Meiji University
Miura Noboru
Department Of Elecronics & Communications School Of Science & Technology Meiji University
Matsumoto Hidetoshi
Department Of Electronics And Bioinformatics Science And Technology Meiji University
Matsumoto Setsuko
Department Of Physics Science And Technology Meiji University
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