ウスメバル養成親魚に見出された寄生性カイアシ類 Clavella parva
- 論文の詳細を見る
Infection with the lernaeopodid copepod Clavella parva was found in gold-eye rockfish Sebastes thompsoni broodstock kept at an aquaculture institute in Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. A description of female and male adults of C. parva is given. This is the first record of C. parva from Japan and a new host record. The parasite was likely introduced to the institute by the fish that had been reared in cages kept in natural waters. No infection was observed again after manual removal of the copepods. The species occurred most abundantly on the dorsal and caudal fins, followed by the anal fin. Literary information on the geographical distribution and hosts of C. parva is reviewed.
- 日本魚病学会の論文
- 2008-03-15
大塚 攻
長澤 和也
長澤 和也
Graduate School Of Biosphere Science Hiroshima University
長澤 和也
海野 徹也
海野 徹也
海野 徹也
Graduate School of Biosphere Sciences, Hiroshima University
海野 徹也
Graduate School Of Biosphere Sciences Hiroshima University
大塚 攻
Takehara Marine Science Station, Setouchi Field Science Center, Graduate School of Biosphere Science
上野 大輔
Takehara Marine Science Station, Setouchi Field Science Center, Graduate School of Biosphere Science
小泉 広明
Aquaculture Institute, Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Research Center
長澤 和也
広島大 大学院生物圏科学研究科
小泉 広明
Aquaculture Institute Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Research Center
大塚 攻
Takehara Marine Science Station Setouchi Field Science Center Graduate School Of Biosphere Science H
大塚 攻
上野 大輔
Takehara Marine Science Station Setouchi Field Science Center Graduate School Of Biosphere Science H
大塚 攻
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