- 論文の詳細を見る
The contents of two practices differ and practical periods also differ. The following can be considered although it may not be right to compare each practice. If a student can be provided with the matter which is the contents which cannot be carried out within school education on account of time although learned with the textbook of a living thing, and is deeply concerned with the contents of a lesson through experience activities in organizations including a university, the knowledge in connection with the contents of a textbook is connected organically, an understanding deepens and the learned contents may serve as effective intellectual property. If experience activities are utilized well, the student of any environment will give an opportunity to be positively concerned with the contents of activity, and, as a result, knowledge will become useful from new experience. It is thought that it could have confidence in the faculty course selection by having experienced the taste of the research activities, and learning will is stimulated by it for students. Although he thought that it considered "Lessen the contents and touch the contents of experience calmly in this year", since the former was a short period of time and the latter was approach of a typhoon, it cannot but reflect on the point of having stuffed the contents of practice. When saying that students will search for the contents more deeply, they shifted to the following contents, and carried out and needed. We want to perform such activity continuously and to continue to offer good experience and study activities for students.
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科附属教育実践総合センターの論文
- 2005-03-20
- 浮遊性カイアシ類の両極および反赤道分布について(中〜高緯度の両極性分布を持つ生物から見た地球史)
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- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(8)
- 27. DNA解析と船舶調査によるコウロエンカワヒバリガイの移入経路の解明(日本貝類学会平成19年度大会(豊橋)研究発表要旨)
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- P9 山陰沿岸の汽水湖,宍道湖・中海に産する等脚目甲殻類について(日本動物分類学会第39会大会講演抄録)
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- アミ類の寄生生物に関する最近の研究
- 13. カリブ海グランドケイマン島の海底洞窟から発見されたフクロエビ類Bochusaceaについて(日本動物分類学会第38会大会講演抄録)
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- 海洋動物プランクトンの寄生生物 (総説)
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- 海洋生物・生態系の特性を活かした生物学実験・学習プログラムの実践(2)
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- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(5)
- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(4)
- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(3)
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- Zoogeography of planktonic brackish-water calanoid copepods in western Japan with comparison with neighboring Korean fauna
- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(9)
- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(1)
- Sea lice of Taiwan(台湾産ウオジラミ): Ju-shey Ho & Ching-Long Lin, The Sueichan Press, Taiwan, 2004年刊, 388pp., ISBN 957-8596-71-5
- 第7回国際カイアシ類会議(ブラジル, クリチバ)に出席して
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- 日本から記載されたリムノンケア属 Limnoncaea カイアシ類の正体 : プランクトン学と寄生虫学の複合領域的研究の必要性
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- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(10)
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- 海と海辺の生物を題材とした体験・学習活動の実践(6)