Phototransistors Using Point Contact Structures
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1996-08-26
ARAKAWA Yasuhiko
Institute of Industrial Science, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and Nanoelectr
Noda Takeshi
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Electrotechnical Laboratory, Optical Information Section
Arakawa Yasuhiko
Institute For Nano Quantum Information Electronics The University Of Tokyo
SAKAKI Hiroyuki
Institute of Industrial Science,University of Tokyo
Arakawa Yasuhiko
Research Center For Advanced Science And Technology And Institute Of Industrial Science University O
Sakaki H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Noda T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Sakaki Hiroyuki
Institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Nagamune Y
Electrotechnical Laboratory:institute Of Industrial Science University Of Tokyo
Arakawa Yasuhiko
Institute For Nano Quantum Information Electronics And Institute Of Industrial Science The Universit
Sakaki Hiroyuki
Institute Of Industrial Science The University Of Tokyo
Arakawa Yasuhiko
Institute For Nano Quantum Information Electronics (nanoquine) The University Of Tokyo
Electrotechnical Laboratory
- Esaki diodes live and learn
- 26aXG-4 シリコン結合量子ドットの電子輸送特性評価(量子ドット,領域4,半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在)
- 26pWH-6 1.3μm帯光伝導測定によるg因子の見積もり(光応答,領域4,半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在)
- 高アスペクト比ドライエッチング技術を用いて作製したシリコンフォトニック結晶デバイス(光パッシブコンポネント(フィルタ,コネクタ,MEMS),シリコンフォトニクス,光ファイバ,一般)
- C-3-24 超小型PD集積型1次元フォトニック結晶分散補償モジュール(フォトニック結晶ファイバ・素子,C-3.光エレクトロニクス,一般講演)
- C-3-81 1次元結合欠陥型フォトニック結晶分散補償器(補償デバイス,C-3.光エレクトロニクス,一般講演)
- フォトニック結晶を用いた分散補償素子の作製検討(光集積回路/素子, スイッチング, PLC, ファイバ型デバイス, 導波路解析, 一般)
- 一次元フォトニック結晶の作製と応用(化合物混晶半導体デバイス・材料(含むSiGe,ワイドギャップ半導体),一般)
- SC-1-9 フォトニック結晶の分散制御と光素子への応用
- 量子ドット光デバイスと国家プロジェクト
- 榊裕之先生,平成20年度文化功労者に
- 1.総論:先端ナノフォトニクスの展開 : 量子ドットを中心にして(進化する先端フォトニックデバイス)
- First Demonstration of Electrically Driven 1.55μm Single-Photon Generator
- MOCVD法により作製したGaAs基板上GaInNAs埋め込みInAs量子ドットレーザの1.3μm帯室温連続発振(量子効果デバイス(光信号処理,LD,光増幅,変調等)と集積化技術,及び一般)
- Single-photon generator for telecom applications
- Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Continuous-wave Laser Operation at Room Temperature
- 学術講演「未来社会に向けた工学の新展開〜エレクトロニクスを中心にして〜」
- Development of Electrically Driven Single-Photon Emitter at Optical Fiber Bands
- Single-Photon Generation in the 1.55-μm Optical-Fiber Band from an InAs/InP Quantum Dot
- Observation of Light Emission at-1.5μm from InAs Quantum Dots in Photonic Crystal Microcavity
- Non-classical Photon Emission from a Single InAs/InP Quantum Dot in the 1.3-μm Optical-Fiber Band
- Differential Absorption in InGaN Multiple Quantum Wells and Epilayers Induced by Blue-Violet Laser Diode
- Lab-on-a-chip:towards the miniaturization and integration of fluorescencespectroscopy based detection method onto portable device
- 量子ドットレーザの展望(半導体レーザ及び光パッシブコンポネント, 及び一般)
- 〔invited〕量子ドットレーザの展望(半導体レーザ及び光パッシブコンポネント, 及び一般)
- 窒化物半導体垂直微小共振器LEDの作製と青色面発光レーザへの展望(窒化物及び混晶半導体デバイス)
- 超低閾値ナノ共振器レーザ(半導体レーザ関連技術,及び一般)
- 窒化物半導体垂直微小共振器LEDの作製と青色面発光レーザへの展望
- 「総論:ナノテクノロジーと次世代情報通信技術>
- A-4-8 拡張成分分離型ε-フィルタの最適設計とその画像処理への応用
- 高Q値3次元フォトニック結晶ナノ共振器におけるレーザ発振(量子効果デバイス(光信号処理、LD、光増幅、変調等)と集積化技術、一般「材料デバイスサマーミーティング」)
- 高Q値3次元フォトニック結晶ナノ共振器におけるレーザ発振(量子効果デバイス(光信号処理、LD、光増幅、変調等)と集積化技術、一般「材料デバイスサマーミーティング」)
- シリコン上1.3μm量子ドットレーザ--光LSI融合システム構築に向けて
- ウェハ融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- ウェハ融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- ウェハ融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- ウェハ融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- Implementation of Optical Ternary Logic Operations Using a Twin-Stripe Laser Diode
- Beam Scanning Binary Logic (OPTICAL COMPUTING 1)
- LPE Growth of AlGaAs-GaAs Quantum Well Heterostructures
- Diffusion Properties of Mg in Al_xGa_As
- Temperature-Insensitive Eye-Opening under 10-Gb/s Modulation of 1.3-μm P-Doped Quantum-Dot Lasers without Current Adjustments
- Density Control of GaSb/GaAs Self-assembled Quantum Dots (〜25nm) Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Analysis of Modes in a Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser with Multilayer Bragg Reflectors
- Fractional Quantum Hall Effect at ν=1/7
- Transmission Experiment of Quantum Keys over 50km Using High-Performance Quantum-Dot Single-Photon Source at 1.5μm Wavelength
- Vertical Microcavity Lasers with InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Formed by Spinodal Phase Separation
- Area Density Control of Quantum-Size InGaAs/Ga(Al)As Dots by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Light Emission from Individual Self-Assembled InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Excited by Tunneling Current Injection
- Formation of InGaAs Quantum Dots on GaAs Multi-Atomic Steps by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth
- Reduced Phonon Scattering in an Asymmetric Triple Barrier Resonant-Tunneling Diode at High Magnetic Fields(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Lasing Emission from an In_Ga_N Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
- High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of AlAs/GaAs Imterfacial Structure in the Projection
- Localization and Quantum Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Systems Under Strong Magnetic Fields(Transport and Fermiology)
- Phototransistors Using Point Contact Structures
- Phototransistors Using Point Contact Structures
- Direct Observation of Electron Jet from a Point Contact
- Tarahertz Emission from Quantum Beats in Coupled Quantum Wells
- Terahertz Emission from Quantum Beats in Coupled Quantum Wells
- Effect of Intense Intersubband Optical Excitation on the Electron Distribution in GaAs/AlAs Quantum Wells
- Investigation of the Spectral Triplet in Strongly Coupled Quantum Dot-Nanocavity System
- Below-Gap Spectroscopy of Undoped GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells by Two-Wavelength Excited Photoluminescene
- Magnetophonon Resonance in a Two-Dimensional Electron System in the GaAs-Al_xAs Heterojunction Interface
- Spontaneous Emission Characteristics of Quantum Well Lasers in Strong Magnetic Fields : An Approach to Quantum-Well-Box Light Source
- Control of Current Hysteresis Effects in a GaAs/n-AlGaAs Quantum Trap Field Effect Transistor with Embedded InAs Quantum Dots
- Fabrication of InGaAs Strained Quantum Wire Structures Using Selective-Area Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth
- Surface Potential Imaging on InAs Low-Dimensional Nanostructures Studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy on InAs Thin Films on (110) GaAs Substrates
- Two-Photon Control of Biexciton Population in Telecommunication-Band Quantum Dot
- Large Vacuum Rabi Splitting in Single Self-Assembled Quantum Dot-Nanocavity System
- Angular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillation in GaAs/Al_xGa_As Superalttice
- Splitting of Photoluminescence Spectra and Negative Differential Resistance Caused by the Electric Field Induced Resonant Coupling of Quantized Levels in GaAs-AlGaAs Multi-Quantum Well Structures
- Fabrication of Single-Electron Transistor Composed of a Self-Assembled Quantum Dot and Nanogap Electrode by Atomic Force Microscope Local Oxidation
- MBE Growth and Properties of AlGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs Selectively-Doped Double-Heterojunction Structures with Very High Conductivity
- Lifetime of Confined LO Phonons in Quantum Dots and Its Impact on Phonon Bottleneck Issue
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance in Perpendicular Magnetic Fields Observed in High Mobility GaAs/Al_xGa_As Interfaces
- Activation Energies of the 1/3 and 2/3 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in GaAs/Al_xGa_As Heterostructures
- Negative Magnetoresistance and Inelastic Scattering Time in Two-Dimensional Electron Systems in GaAs/Al_xGa_As Heterojunction Interfaces
- Atomic-Scale Structures of Top and Bottom Heterointerfaces in GaAs-Al_xGa_As (x=0.2-1) Quantum Wells Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy with Growth Interruption
- One Atomic Layer Heterointerface Fluctuations in GaAs-AlAs Quantum Well Structures and Their Suppression by Insertion of Smoothing Period in Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Growth Condition Dependence of the Photoluminescence Properties of In_xGa_N/In_yGa_N Multiple Quantum Wells Grown by MOCVD
- Ultrafast Coherent Control of Excitons Using Pulse-Shaping Technique
- Manipulation of Coherent Exciton towards Novel Ultrafast Devices
- Structural Evaluation of GaAs/AlGaAs Heterointerfaces by Atomic-Resolution Electron Micrograph with Clear Contrast
- 量子ドット・フォトニック結晶ナノレーザー : 単一人工原子レーザーを中心にして
- Intracellular localization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag and GagPol products and virus particle release : relationship with the Gag-to-GagPol ratio
- 半導体直接融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- 半導体直接融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- 半導体直接融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- 半導体直接融着によるSi基板上1.3μm InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(光部品・電子デバイス実装技術,一般)
- 次世代太陽光発電の展望 : 量子ドット太陽電池を中心にして
- C-4-1 ウェハ融着によるSi基板上1.3μm帯InAs/GaAs量子ドットレーザ(C-4.レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)
- GaNナノワイヤの有機金属気相成長法による形成と単一光子発生器への応用(窒化物半導体光・電子デバイス・材料,関連技術,及び一般)
- GaNナノワイヤの有機金属気相成長法による形成と単一光子発生器への応用(窒化物半導体光・電子デバイス・材料,関連技術,及び一般)
- GaNナノワイヤの有機金属気相成長法による形成と単一光子発生器への応用(窒化物半導体光・電子デバイス・材料,関連技術,及び一般)
- 量子ドット太陽電池研究の展開
- Surface Potential Imaging on InAs Low-Dimensional Nanostructures Studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- 通信波長帯量子ドットを用いた励起子状態のコヒーレント制御(量子光学,非線形光学,超高速現象,レーザ基礎,及び一般)
- Direct Observation of Electron Jet from a Point Contact
- ウェハ接合によるシリコン基板上量子ドットレーザの進展(半導体レーザ関連技術,及び一般)