Comparison of the proximate compositions, breaking strength and histological structure by the muscle positions of the full-cycle cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-06-01
Takagi Yasuaki
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
瀬岡 学
Tsukamasa Y
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Seoka M
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Nakamura Yoshi‐nori
Kyushu Univ. Oita Jpn
Nakamura Yoshi-nori
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Seoka Manabu
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kawasaki Ken-ichi
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Laboratory of Aquatic Food Science, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Universit
Laboratory of Aquatic Food Science, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Universit
Laboratory of Aquatic Food Science, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Universit
Department of Fisheries, Kinki University
Tsukamasa Yasuyuki
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Kawasaki Kenichi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Ando Masashi
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Tsukamasa Yasuyuki
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Seoka M
Kinki Univ. Wakayama Jpn
Takagi Yasuaki
Graduate School Of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University
Ando Masashi
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Toyama Prefecture Food Research Institute
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