Effect of fasting on physical/chemical properties of ordinary muscles in full-cycle cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis during chilled storage
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-10-01
瀬岡 学
熊井 英水
Takagi Yasuaki
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
瀬岡 学
Tsukamasa Y
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
熊井 英水
Shirahama Experiment Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
熊井 英水
瀬岡 学
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
熊井 英水
Seoka M
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Nakamura Yoshi‐nori
Kyushu Univ. Oita Jpn
Nakamura Yoshi-nori
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Okada Tokihiko
Ohshima Experimental Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Okada Tokihiko
Fisheries Laboratory Of Kinki University
Seoka Manabu
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kumai H
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kumai Hidemi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kawasaki Ken-ichi
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
SAWADA Yoshifumi
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Laboratory of Aquatic Food Science, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Universit
Laboratory of Aquatic Food Science, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Universit
Laboratory of Aquatic Food Science, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki Universit
Department of Fisheries, Kinki University
Tsukamasa Yasuyuki
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Kawasaki Kenichi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Miyashita Shigeru
Shirahama Experimental Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Ando Masashi
Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Tsukamasa Yasuyuki
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Seoka M
Kinki Univ. Wakayama Jpn
Takagi Yasuaki
Graduate School Of Fisheries Science Hokkaido University
Ando Masashi
Laboratory Of Aquatic Food Science Department Of Fisheries Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
Seoka Manabu
Uragami Experiment Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Okada Tokihiko
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Sawada Yoshifumi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Toyama Prefecture Food Research Institute
- シマアジ胚発生に及ぼす低酸素と高二酸化炭素の影響
- クロマグロ仔魚の成育に悪影響を及ぼすアルテミアの栄養素
- クロマグロ仔稚魚の異なる飼育水温下での中性脂質蓄積
- マダイ Pagrus major の胚発生期における酸素消費量
- マダイのパグヘッドネス(平成 12 年度日本水産学会近畿支部前期例会)
- マダイ短躯症の骨形態学的検討(平成 12 年度日本水産学会近畿支部前期例会)
- Testes maturation of reared Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis at two-plus years old
- Construction of an expression vector containing a β-actin promoter region for gene transfer by microinjection in red sea bream Pagrus major
- Induction of centrum defects in amberjack Seriola dumerili by exposure of embryos to hypoxia
- Selective Breeding for Growth in Red Sea Bream
- 低水温期における養殖トラフグおよびマダイの体温
- 飼育下におけるマサバの成長と生殖腺の発達
- マサバ養成親魚の自然産卵と卵発生および仔稚魚飼育
- SL-3 クロマグロ完全養殖への挑戦
- クロマグロおよびマサバ稚魚における消化率とエネルギー分配
- ビタミンC源であるアスコルビン酸-2-モノリン酸Mg^がイシダイの産卵に及ぼす効果
- ドコサヘキサエン酸および大豆レシチンの飼料添加とイシダイの産卵, 卵・親魚の脂肪酸組成・脂質クラス
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- 戻し交雑魚マダイ♀×F_1(マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂における飼料の至適タンパク質および糖質含量
- 戻し交雑魚マダイ♀×F_1 (マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂の表皮 carotenoid および astaxanthin 含量 : 交雑による新タイ科養殖魚種の作出 III
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- 低水温飼育によって誘発されるマダイ稚魚の変色
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- クロマグロの初期発育と種苗生産 : 現状と展望
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- マダイの消化吸収に及ぼす飼料大豆粕とフィターゼの影響
- 大豆トリプシンインヒビターに対するマダイ消化機能の適応
- 絶食およびオキアミ給与マダイの産卵
- マダイの卵のふ化に及ぼすアミノ酸の効果
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- マダイPagrus major仔稚魚の発育に伴う各種環境ストレス耐性の変化
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- Possibility for decreasing of mercury content in bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis by fish culture
- Dietary medicinal herbs improve growth and some non-specific immunity of red sea bream Pagrus major
- Comparison of apparent digestibility coefficient among replicates and different stocking density in red sea bream Pagrus major
- Effect of fasting on physical/chemical properties of ordinary muscles in full-cycle cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis during chilled storage
- Characterization of Transthyretin in the Pacific Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus orientalis(Physiology)
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- Changes in Chemical Contents and Enzyme Activities during Embryonic Development of Bluefin Tuna
- Biochemical Phases in Embryonic Red Sea Bream Development
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- クロマグロ完全養殖への挑戦
- クロマグロ完全養殖への道のり
- 養成クロマグロの生殖腺発達
- Ontogenetic changes in RNA, DNA and protein contents of laboratory-reared Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- クロマグロの完全養殖達成
- 漁業情報 クロマグロの完全養殖
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- ウナギサブチーム ウナギ親魚および卵の効率的な確保を目指して--若齢魚からの採卵と卵脂肪酸に及ぼす親魚飼料の影響 (特別号:独立行政法人水産総合研究センター交付金プロジェクト 生態系保全型増養殖システム確立のための種苗生産・放流技術の開発--第1期成果) -- (生育・成熟等の生化学・分子生物学的解明に基づく種苗生産技術の高度化)
- The effectiveness of a new physical property evaluation method of kamaboko which applied the principal component analysis to the puncture and stress relaxation tests
- クロマグロ完全養殖の達成
- Effect of dietary catechin and Spirulina on vitamin C metabolism in red sea bream
- Pyridinoline concentrations in muscular and skin collagen of fish and relationship between collagen solubility and pyridinoline concentration in fish muscular collagen
- クロマグロの完全養殖への道のり
- Suppression of fish meat softening by strict control of storage temperature
- Change of Meat Quality in Tiger Puffer During Frozen Storage
- Effect of inhabited sea area on chub mackerel meat texture and possible degradation of type V collagen during chilled storage
- Possible degradation of type I collagen in relation to yellowtail muscle softening during chilled storage
- Correlation of type V collagen content with post-mortem softening of fish meat during chilled storage
- Effect of inhabited sea area on meat firmness and its post-mortem change in chub mackerel during chilled storage
- Total activity of transglutaminase at various temperatures in several fish meats
- Trials for keep the fish muscle quality during chilled storage (Proceedings of International Commemorative Symposium 70th Anniversary of The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science)
- Influence of death struggle on the structural changes in chub mackerel muscle during chilled storage
- Presence of Endopeptidase in the Powdered Yam Dioscorea opposita and Its Effect on the Texture of Kamaboko
- Purification of Endopeptidase in Yam Dioscorea opposita and Its Characterization
- Identification of 170 k Component which Appears in the Setting Process of Surimi Gel
- AFLP解析によるクロマグロ, Thunnus orientalis 雄特徴的DNA断片の探索
- 平成16年度日本水産学会賞功績賞(バイオテレメトリーによる海洋生物行動に関する研究)受賞者 : 坂本亘氏
- クロマグロの完全養殖に至る経緯と将来展望 (特集 養殖)
- 技術 完全養殖に向けた取り組み 完全養殖まであと一歩 人口種苗生産の現状 (特集 国内マグロ養殖の活路--生産、需要、消費動向から今後を探る)
- Effects of the Removal of Corpuscles of Stannius on the Transport of Calcium across the Intestine of Rainbow Trout
- 光周期によるイシダイの成長促進効果
- Mercury levels of small fishes : influence of size and catch area
- 2S4a05 クロマグロ等の海水魚養殖の完全養殖技術による産業化(海洋資源発掘のバイオテクノロジー最前線,ワークショップ)
- クロマグロ稚魚用配合飼料のタンパク源としてのホタルイカミールの有用性
- 大豆トリプシンインヒビターに対するマダイ消化機能の適応
- 交雑魚マダイ雌×クロダイ雄のビタミンC要求量
- バングラデシュにおける2種インドゴイ, Catla catla と Cirrhinus cirrhosus, の天然および人工種苗の成長比較
- クロマグロ飼料の糖質配合量
- マダイ配合飼料の給餌方法が飼育成績およびエネルギー収支に及ぼす影響
- 完全養殖クロマグロの産業化(大学発!美味しいバイオ)
- Muscle fiber types, growth and development in the whole myotome of cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- Application of supercooling to long-term storage of fish meat
- 完全養殖クロマグロの産業化
- Purification and biochemical characterization of a cellulase from the digestive organs of the short-spined sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius
- Photoperiod Manipulation Stimulated Growth Performance in Young Striped Knifejaw, Oplegnathus fasciatus