Ontogeny of digestive and immune system organs of larval and juvenile kelp grouper Epinephelus bruneus reared in the laboratory
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-12-01
熊井 英水
Kato K
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka
Kato Keitaro
九州大学 薬 生化
Kato Keitaro
Fisheries Laboratory Of Kinki University
Shirahama Experimental Station
Shirahama Experimental Station
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
熊井 英水
Shirahama Experiment Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
熊井 英水
熊井 英水
Kato Keitaro
Divisiion Of Physiological Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyushu Univesity
Maeda Shigeki
Murata O
Fisheries Laboratory Of Kinki University
Murata Osamu
Murata Osamu
Akashi Technical Institute Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
Kato K
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Kato K
Fisheries Laboratory Of Kinki University
Murata Osamu
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Murata Osamu
Medical Affairs Yamaguchi University Hospital
Kumai H
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kumai Hidemi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kato K
Departments Of Biochemistry Institute For Developmental Research Aichi Human Service Center
Kato K
Department Of Biochemistry Institute For Developmental Research Aichi Human Service Center
Kato Kanefusa
Department Of Biochemistry Institute For Developmental Research Aichi Human Service Center
SAWADA Yoshifumi
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University
Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University
Miyashita Shigeru
Shirahama Experimental Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Kato Keitaro
Wakayama Prefecture Collaboration Of Regional Entities For Advancement Of Technological Excellence W
Kumai H
Uragami Experimental Station Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Ishimaru Katsuya
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
Ishimaru Katsuya
Fisheries Laboratory Of Kinki University
Sawada Yoshifumi
Fisheries Laboratory Kinki University
- クロマグロ仔魚の成育に悪影響を及ぼすアルテミアの栄養素
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- マダイ Pagrus major の胚発生期における酸素消費量
- 上顎の短縮を持つ養殖ヒラメにおける骨格異常
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- Expression of Rat Cathepsin D cDNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Implications for Intracellular Targeting of Cathepsin D to Vacuoles^1
- Biochemical Characterizaiton of Liver Microsomal, Golgi, Lysosomal, and Serum β-Glucuronidases in Dibutyl Phosphate-Treated Rats
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- An Improved Method for the Purification of Rat Serum Albumin--Removal of Contaminants by Concanavalin A-Sepharose
- Testes maturation of reared Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis at two-plus years old
- Construction of an expression vector containing a β-actin promoter region for gene transfer by microinjection in red sea bream Pagrus major
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- Selective Breeding for Growth in Red Sea Bream
- 低水温期における養殖トラフグおよびマダイの体温
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- マサバ養成親魚の自然産卵と卵発生および仔稚魚飼育
- 交雑魚マダイ×クロダイおよびマダイ×ヘダイの生殖腺成熟
- SL-3 クロマグロ完全養殖への挑戦
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- マダイにおける自己消化酵母タンパク質の栄養価
- 戻し交雑魚マダイ♀×F_1(マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂における飼料の至適タンパク質および糖質含量
- 戻し交雑魚マダイ♀×F_1 (マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂の表皮 carotenoid および astaxanthin 含量 : 交雑による新タイ科養殖魚種の作出 III
- 戻し交雑種マダイ♀×F_1(マダイ♀×チダイ♂)♂の成長と栄養素代謝 : 交雑による新タイ科養殖魚種の作出-II
- クロマグロ養殖業 : 技術開発と事業展開・展望
- 低水温飼育によって誘発されるマダイ稚魚の変色
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- クロマグロの初期発育と種苗生産 : 現状と展望
- バイオテレメトリーによる養殖クロマグロの遊泳行動に関する研究
- マダイおよびヒラメにおける滑走細菌症に対する浸漬ワクチンの効果
- マダイの滑走細菌症に対する浸漬ワクチンの効果
- Modulation of the Stress-Induced Synthesis of Stress Proteins by a Phorbol Ester and Okadaic Acid^1
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- マダイPagrus major仔稚魚の発育に伴う各種環境ストレス耐性の変化
- The protective effect of probucol on adriamycin nephrosis in the rat
- Inhibition of Proteasomes Induces Accumulation, Phosphorylation, and Recruitment of HSP27 and αB-Crystallin to Aggresomes
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- 低酸素負荷に対するマダイのストレス反応および各種組織のエネルギー状態
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- Growth and morphological development of larval and juvenile Epinephelus bruneus (Perciformes : Serranidae)
- Comparison of apparent digestibility coefficient among replicates and different stocking density in red sea bream Pagrus major
- Effect of fasting on physical/chemical properties of ordinary muscles in full-cycle cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis during chilled storage
- Characterization of Transthyretin in the Pacific Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus orientalis(Physiology)
- Triacylglycerol and Phospholipid Contents in Developing Japanese Flounder Eggs
- Changes in Chemical Contents and Enzyme Activities during Embryonic Development of Bluefin Tuna
- Biochemical Phases in Embryonic Red Sea Bream Development
- Evaluation of Rapeseed Protein Concentration as Protein Source of Diet for Red Sea Bream
- Soybean Trypsin Inhibitors Inhibit Trypsin-like and Basic Proteinase Activities of Cultured-Fishes
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- Formation of the High-T_c Phase of the Superconducting Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Film by the Laser Ablation Method
- Ontogeny of digestive and immune system organs of larval and juvenile kelp grouper Epinephelus bruneus reared in the laboratory
- クロマグロ完全養殖への挑戦
- クロマグロ完全養殖への道のり
- Ontogenetic changes in RNA, DNA and protein contents of laboratory-reared Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- クロマグロの完全養殖達成
- 漁業情報 クロマグロの完全養殖
- Identification of Feeding Stimulants for Tiger Puffer
- Intracellular Sorting of Lysosomal β-Glucuronidase Is Altered Due to Administration of Dibutyl Phosphate
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor and neurotrophin-3 in selected regions of the rat brain following kainic acid-induced seizure activity
- G Protein γ Subunits Coimmunoprecipitated with Antibodies against α Subiunits: Identification of Major Isoforms in Cultureed Cells by Silver Stain and Immunoblotting with Conventional Transfer Procedure
- Induction of the Synthesis of hsp27 and αB Crystallin in Tissues of Heat-Stressed Rats and Its Suppression by Ethanol or an α_1-Adrenergic Antagonist
- The G-Protein G_0 in Mammalian Cardiac Muscle: Localization and Coupling to A_1 Adenosine Receptors
- クロマグロ完全養殖の達成
- Effect of dietary catechin and Spirulina on vitamin C metabolism in red sea bream
- 資料 Current Non-surgical Usage of Albumin Preparations in Clinic Divisions
- Inhibitory modes of Kunitz and Bowman-Birk soybean trypsin inhibitors to tryptic and chymotryptic proteinases of tiger puffer and yellowtail
- クロマグロの完全養殖への道のり
- Gustatory receptor responses in marbled rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus
- Present state of bluefin tuna aquaculture in Japan (日韓・韓日第2回水産増養殖シンポジウム(要旨-1-))
- Stress response and energy metabolism in various tissues of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus exposed to hypoxic conditions
- Whole-body heat transfer coefficient and body temperature change of juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis according to growth
- Reproduction between Oplegnathus fasciatus and O. punctatus, and fertility of their interspecies
- Association between bacterial community structures and mortality of fish larvae in intensive rearing systems
- Influence of Feeding Rates on Digestion and Energy Flow in Tiger Puffer and Red Sea Bream
- Comparison of Digestive and Absorptive Functions between Tiger Puffer and Red Sea Bream
- Suitable Lipid Level in Brown Fish Meal Diet for Tiger Puffer
- Suitable Sugar Level in Brown Fish Meal Diet for Tiger Puffer
- A method for the microinjection into naturally spawned eggs of marine fish, especially cultured Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
- AFLP解析によるクロマグロ, Thunnus orientalis 雄特徴的DNA断片の探索
- 平成16年度日本水産学会賞功績賞(バイオテレメトリーによる海洋生物行動に関する研究)受賞者 : 坂本亘氏
- クロマグロの完全養殖に至る経緯と将来展望 (特集 養殖)
- 技術 完全養殖に向けた取り組み 完全養殖まであと一歩 人口種苗生産の現状 (特集 国内マグロ養殖の活路--生産、需要、消費動向から今後を探る)
- 2S4a05 クロマグロ等の海水魚養殖の完全養殖技術による産業化(海洋資源発掘のバイオテクノロジー最前線,ワークショップ)
- バングラデシュにおける2種インドゴイ, Catla catla と Cirrhinus cirrhosus, の天然および人工種苗の成長比較
- 完全養殖クロマグロの産業化(大学発!美味しいバイオ)
- Use of acceleration loggers in aquaculture to determine net-cage use and field metabolic rates in red sea bream Pagrus major
- 完全養殖クロマグロの産業化
- Ontogenetic Changes in Specific Gravity during the Early Larval Stages in Southern Bluefin Tuna Thunnus maccoyii