- 961 ジクロロメタンを用いない環境適応型合成法の開発 : チオエーテル型イオウのスルホキシドへの微生物変換
- Effect of heparin addition on expansion of cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells in three-dimensional coculture with stromal cells in nonwoven fabrics
- Analysis of Hematopoietic Microenvironment Containing Spatial Development of Stromal Cells in Nonwoven Fabrics (ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 611 2-ビドロキシ-4-メチルチオ酪酸アミド生産菌のニトリルヒドラターゼ遺伝子のクローニングと解析(酵素・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 923 NHaseを用いた2-ヒドロキシ-4-メチルチオ酪酸アミドの生産
- Structures of N-Linked Oligosaccharides of Glycoproteins from Tobacco BY2 Suspension Cultured Cells
- 1330 Structures of N-linked Glycoproteins from Tobacco BY2 Suspension Cultured Cells
- 2A16-4 epsilon-Poly-L-lysine(PL)分解酵素遺伝子の取得と破壊株を用いた機能解析(遺伝子工学・核酸工学,一般講演)
- Human N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase I. : Expression in Escherichia coli as a Soluble Enzyme, and Application as an Immobilized Enzyme for the Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of N-Linked Oligosaccharides
- Construction of Xylose-Assimilating Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 181. Expression of Escherichia coli Transhydrogenase Gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 103 Expression of Xylose Reductase and Xylitol Dehydrogenase Genes from Pichia stipitis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Transduction of Static Pressure Signal to Expression of Human Granurocytes Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor Mrna in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells (ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Effect of Static Pressure on Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Stimulating Factor (hGM-CSF) Production by Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
- Effects of Shifts Up and Down in Osmotic Pressure on Production of Tissue Plasminogen Activator by Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells in Suspension
- グリーンバイオプロセスの開発 : アクリルアミド工業化研究から学ぶ点
- 570 天然資源ロジンの微生物変換(酵素・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- Divergent Structures of Carbazole Degradative car Operons Isolated from Gram-negative Bacteria
- Polypeptide Requirement of Multicomponent Monooxygenase DsoABCDEF for Dimethyl Sulfide Oxidizing Activity
- 3P-1072 エナンチオ選択的イミン還元酵素の探索と特徴解析(2a酵素学,酵素工学,一般講演,酵素学,タンパク質工学および酵素工学,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- Purification, Characterization and Gene Cloning of Thermostable Ο-Acetyl-L-Homoserine Sulfhydrylase Forming γ-Cyano-α-Aminobutyric Acid (ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Purification, Characterization and Gene Cloning of Thermostable ο-Acetyl-L-Serine Sulfhydrylase Forming β-Cyano-L-Alanine
- Effect of chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid on gene expression in a three-dimensional culture of chondrocytes
- Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Chondrocytes for Construction of Three-dimensional Cartilage Tissue
- Effect of Subcultivation of Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem on their Capacities for Chondrogenesis, Supporting Hematopoiesis, and Telomea Length
- 2E09-3 炭酸固定反応を触媒する3,4-ジヒドロキシ安息香酸脱炭酸酵素の反応特性と一次構造解析(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- 3A10-1 炭酸固定反応を触媒する4-ヒドロキシ安息香酸脱炭酸酵素の反応特性と一次構造解析(酵素学・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 569 微生物触媒による芳香族カルボン酸のアルコールへの還元(酵素・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- Characterization of Almond α-Mannosidase and Its Application for Structure Analysis of Sugar Chain(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Effect of αl, 2-Mannosidic Linkage Located in α1, 3-Branch of Man6GlcNAc2 Oligosaccharide on Enzyme Activity of Recombinant Human Man_9-Mannosidase Produced in Escherichia coli
- Characterization of Recombinant Human Man_9-Mannosidase Expressed in Escherichia coli
- A Mass Spectrometry Membrane Probe and Practical Problems Associated with Its Application in Fermentation Processes
- On-Line Monitoring and Control of Aceotone-Butanol Fermentation by Membrane-Sensor Mass Spectrometry
- 1E14-4 Alcaligenes sp. IFO14130の菊酸エチルエステルと6-アミノヘキサン酸環状ダイマーに作用する加水分解酵素の関係(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- Expression and Subcellular Localization of Candida tropicalis Catalase in Catalase Gene Disruptants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Individual Expression of Candida tropicalis Peroxisomal and Mitochondrial Carnitine Acetyltransferase-Encoding Genes and Subcellular Localization of the Products in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 413 Simulation of Fermentation Process by Using Fuzzy Set Theory
- Metabolic Flux Change in Hybridoma Cells under High Osmotic Pressure
- 524 Improvement of Monoclonal Antibody Production with Gradual Increase of Osmotic Pressure
- 718 Prevention of Acetic Acid Excretion during Fed-batch Cultivation of Recombinant Escherichia coli AT2471 by Balanced DO-stat
- 519 Control of Acetic Acid Accumulation during Cultivation of Recombinant E__-. coli AT2471.
- Production of Monascus Pigments by a Solid-Liquid State Culture Method
- Physiologically Motivated Strategies for Control of the Fed-Batch Cultivation of Recombinant Escherichia coli for Phenylalanine Production
- 921 炭酸固定反応をも触媒する脱炭酸酵素の探索 : インドール-3-カルボン酸脱炭酸酵素の発見
- 913 ケトキシムのケトンへの微生物変換
- 1E14-3 アミダーゼが触媒するアミドの生成反応(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- Effect of Sugar Residues in a Glycolipid Coated onto a Dish on Ammonia Consumption and Gluconeogenesis Activity of Primary Rat Hepatocytes
- Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Peptide-Lipid
- Expanded Bed Adsorption for Purification of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Using a Dye-Iminodiacetic Acid Matrix (BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Multivalent Binding Interaction of Alcohol Dehydrogenase on Dye-Metal Affinity Matrix(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Development of New Dye-Metal Agarose-Coated Alumina Matrix and Elution Strategy for Purification of Alcohol Dehydrogenase
- 1116 Dye-metal affinity chromatography in mixed mode for purification of alcohol dehydrogenase
- 336 Development of polyethyleneimine-coated alumina for dye-affinity chromatography
- 1E13-4 2-ブチル-1,3-プロパンジオールの微生物交換(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- Subcellular Destination of Mutant Peroxisomal Isocitrate Lyase Polypeptides of Candida tropicalis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Three-dimensional analysis of protein aggregate body in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
- Continuous Ethanol Production by a Concentrated Culture of Flocculating Yeast
- 2Fp04 シアノヒドリンに作用するニトリラーゼの特性(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 2Fp03 微生物による1,3-アダマンタンジオールの位置選択的水酸化(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 2Fp05 Fusarium属カビのニトリラーゼの分子特性の解析(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 1Fp09 4-ヒドロキシ安息香酸脱炭酸酵素の構造と機能発現の相関(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 2B15-2 マンデロニトリルに作用する立体選択的ニトリラーゼ(酵素学・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 1F15-2 イソオイゲノール分解酵素の遺伝子クローニングと一次構造解析(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 1F15-3 二相系におけるイソオイゲノールのバニリンへの微生物変換(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 可逆的脱炭酸酵素の特性解析と芳香族カルボン酸の合成について
- 2E09-4 炭素二重結合の開裂が関与するイソオイゲノールからバニリンへの微生物変換(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- 2E09-5 イソオイゲノールからバニリンへの微生物変換 : イソオイゲノール分解酵素の精製と性質(生物化学工学,一般講演)
- 3A10-2 有機溶媒耐性ニトリラーゼ生成菌の探索(酵素学・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 3A10-3 ニトリラーゼによる2-ブロモ-5-シアノピリジンの6-ブロモニコチン酸への酵素変換(酵素学・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- 2B14-2 二重結合(C=C結合)開裂に関与する酵素反応メカニズムの解析(酵素学・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)
- Substrate Recognition Mechanism of Proly Aminopeptidase from Serratia marcescens^1
- Glutamate 83 Is Important for Stabilization of Domain-Domain Conformation of Thermus aquaticus Glycerol Kinase
- Crystal Structure of Prolyl Aminopeptidase from Serratia marcescens
- Cloning, Sequencing, High Expression, and Crystallization of the Thermophile Thermus aquaticus Glycerol Kinase
- Roles of the Ser146, Tyr159, and Lys163 Residues in the Catalytic Action of 7α-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli
- Cloning and Expression of the cDNA Encoding Prolyl Oligopeptidase (Prolyl Endopeptidase) from Bovine Brain
- Prolyl Aminopeptidase from Serratia marcescens: Cloning of the Enzyme Gene and Crystalliztion of the Expressed Enzyme^1
- Purification and Characterization of Thermostable Glycerol Kinase from Thermus flavus
- Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV from Xanthomonas maltophilia: Sequencing and Expression of the Enzyme Gene and Charactrization of the Expressed Enzyme
- Prolyl Aminopeptidase Is Also Present in Enterobacteriaceae: Cloning and Sequencing of the Hafnia alvei Enzyme-Gene and Characterization of the Expressed Enzyme
- Protease II from Moraxella lacunata: Cloning, Sequencing, and Expression of the Enzyme Gene, and Crystallization of the Expressed Enzyme
- 911 工業用ニトリル変換微生物ライブラリーの作成 : ニトリラーゼによるα-ヒドロキシ-4-メチルチオ酪酸の生産
- Repeated Addition of Insulin for Dynamic Control of Apoptosis in Serum-Free Culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells (ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Combined Addition of Glutathione and Iron Chelators for Decrease of Intracellular Level of Reactive Oxygen Species and Death of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
- 1126 Effects of glutathione and iron chelators on level of intracellular reactive oxygren species
- Effect of Antioxidants on the Apoptosis of CHO Cells and Production of Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Suspension Culture
- Dewatering of Extracellular Polymer and Activated Sludges by Thermochemical Treatment
- Properties of Extracellular Polymer Having an Effect on Expression of Activated Sludge
- Dewatering Characteristics of Activated Sludges and Effect of Extracellular Polymer
- 318 Flocculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae AM12
- 325 Fed-batch Culture flo Ethanol Production from Molasses
- 有機溶媒耐性酵素を活用したケミカル生産 (特集 疎水性ケミカルのバイオプロダクションを目指した基盤研究)
- Ferulic Acid Production from Clove Oil by Pseudomonas fluorescens E118
- Conversion of Isoeugenol into Vanillic Acid by Pseudomonas putida I58 Cells Exhibiting High Isoeugenol-Degrading Activity
- 3D10-5 含窒素複素環化合物の位置選択的水酸化反応を触媒する微生物酵素
- 1A15-2 アダマンタンの微生物による位置選択的水酸化
- 1A15-1 4-ヒドロキシ安息香酸脱炭酸酵素が触媒する可逆的脱炭酸反応
- 618 Arthrobacter nicotianae FI1612のインドール-3-カルボン酸脱炭酸酵素遺伝子のクローニングと解析(酵素・酵素工学・タンパク質工学,一般講演)