Soft X-Ray Emission Spectra of B $K$ and Si $L_{2,3}$ in B–Si–Ge Alloys
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Valence band B $K$ and Si $L_{2,3}$ soft X-ray emission spectra are measured for B–Si–Ge alloy films of both amorphous and microcrystalline forms to obtain information on the chemical bonding states of B and Si. The B $K$ band spectra are similar to those of pure crystalline boron, although the linewidths are somewhat narrower. The Si $L_{2,3}$ spectrum is more discrete in the amorphous alloy film than in a reference sample of amorphous hydrogenated silicon. The local structure around the Si atom in the microcrystalline alloy turns out to be similar to that in the Si crystal.
- 公益社団法人 応用物理学会の論文
- 1989-02-20
Nakamura Hatsuo
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Electro-communication University
Kohno Kenji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Hiroshima-denki Institute Of Technology
Imura Takeshi
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Iwami Motohiro
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Iwami Motohiro
Faculty of Science, Okayama University, Tsushima-Naka, Okayama 700
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