Fluorescent X-Ray Spectra of Light Elements by Using Synchrotron Orbital Radiation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1978-03-05
Nakamura Hatsuo
Faculty Of Engineering Osaka Electro-communication University
中村 裕之
Graduate School Of Material Science University Of Hyogo
AITA Osamu
College of Engineering,University of Osaka Prefecture
College of Engineering,University of Osaka Prefecture
College of Engineering,University of Osaka Prefecture
College of Engineering, University of Osaka Prefecture
Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Electro-Communication University
Osamu Aita
College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Iwasaki Yoshio
College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Tsutsumi K
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
Tsutsumi Kitomi
Department Of Physics Hokkaido University
Ichikawa K
College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Ichikawa Kouichi
College Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Tsutsumi Kenjiro
College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
- Metamagnetic Transition to Poor Conductor in BaVS_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- 物理的環境要因(騒音、振動、非電離電磁波)の生体影響(第2回 京都大学基礎物理学研究所研究報告書『電磁波と生体への影響-作用機序の解明に向けて-』,研究会報告)
- 金属絶縁体転移を示す三角格子BaVS_3の中性子散乱(新奇な秩序を持つ系での相転移,研究会報告)
- 点平衡木の最適点数格子への定数辺負荷埋め込み
- YMn_2のフラストレーション(低次元量子スピン系(無機系・実験)の最近の展開2)
- Magnetism of BaVSe_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Ferromagnetism of Sulfur Deficient BaVS_ : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Incommensurate Magnetic Ordering and Spin-Liquid-Like State in a Triangular Lattice BaVS_3: Neutron Diffraction and Scattering Study : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- 創立50周年を迎える「サハ核物理学研究所」
- Magnetism of Geometrically Frustrated Metallic Compounds (Frontiers in Magnetism)
- 30a-PS-51 軌道秩序をもつスピンギャップ系BaVS_3のメタ磁性転移
- 6a-YH-11 軌道秩序をもつスピンギャップ系BaVS_3のμSR
- Low Temperature Specific Heat of RMn_2 Compounds with the Hexagonal C14 Structure (R=Y,Yb and Th)
- Spin-Liquid to Spin-Glass Transition in Y (Sc)(Mn_Al_x)_2 : Polarized Neutron Scattering Study
- GdInCu_4の部分無秩序相
- 重い電子系のNMR(強相関伝導系の物理 若手夏の学校,講義ノート)
- f電子系の磁気構造とNMR(若手による"核磁気共鳴で見た物性研究")
- 29p-YF-10 C14HoMn_2の中性子回折
- 2p-YA-17 高圧合成C14YMn_2およびYbMn_2の核磁気緩和
- 28p-O-8 Y_Sc_xMn_2のNMRとスピンの揺らぎ
- Polarized Neutron Scattering Study of β-Mn and β-Mn_ Al_
- 27p-U2-10 Y_Sc_xMn_2のNMR II
- 幾何学的効果が誘起する遷移金属化合物の電子系の異常
- 31p-PSB-9 YInCu_4の電気的、熱的性質
- 30p-YQ-14 高圧合成C14TbMn_2のNMR
- 15a-PS-34 RMn_2(C14型、R=Y、Gd、Dy、Yb)の磁性II
- 点平衡木の最適点数格子への定数辺負荷埋め込み
- Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Magnetism of a Triangular Lattice BaVs_3
- Anomalous Transport and Thermal Properties of YInCu_4
- 30. YMn_2の擬二元化合物におけるスピンのゆらぎと熱膨張(大阪大学基礎工学研究科物理系専攻物性学分野,修士論文題目・アブストラクト(1986年度),その2)
- NMR Investigation of Energy Gap Formation in the Valence Fluctuating Compound CeNiSn
- Three-dimensional distribution of water vapor estimated from tropospheric delay of GPS data in a mesoscale precipitation system of the Baiu front
- 28p-O-7 (Y_Sc_x)Mn_2と(Y_La_x)Mn_2のNMR
- NMR Measurements on Cerium and Uranium Compounds : Chapter 6. Magnetic Properties : 6-2. NMR Measurements
- Successive Magnetic Transitions in the Heusler Heavy-Fermion System CeInCu_2
- Magnetic and Superconducting Phase Diagram of Heavy Fermion Superconductors Ce_Th_xCu_Si_2 : Cu NMR and NQR Study
- 30p-PS-26 Gd化合物の磁性とフラストレーション
- 3a-H-9 (Y_Sc_x)Mn_2の磁性と熱膨張異常
- NMR Study of Weak Antiferromagnetism in NbFe_2
- 金属磁性体における幾何学の効果
- Rare-Earth N_ Absorption Spectra of Some Rare-Earth Compounds
- Ca and Sc l_ Emission and Absorption Spectra of Ca and Sc Metals
- Thermally Stimulated Exoelectron Emission of Evaporated LiF Films
- Fluorescent X-Ray Spectra of Light Elements by Using Synchrotron Orbital Radiation
- X-Ray K Valence Emission and K Absorption Spectra of Transition-Metal Compounds : COMBINED USE OF X-RAY EMISSION AND ABSORPTION SPECTRA
- 27a-APS-6 β-Mnの磁性に及ぼすAlの置換効果II
- Semi-diurnal and diurnal variation of errors in GPS precipitable water vapor at Tsukuba, Japan coused by site displacement due to ocean tidal loading
- Ru-NQR and NMR Study of Metamagnetic Transition in CeRu_2Si_2
- The impact of atmospheric mountain lee waves on systematic geodetic errors observed using the Global Positioning System
- X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of Valence Band of Transition-Metal Compounds
- Splitting of 3p Spectra of Transition-Metal Ions in X-Ray Photoemission of VCl_3,CrCl_3 and CrBr_3
- Study of Cr Silicide Formation on Si(100) Due to Solid-Phase Reaction Using Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
- Valence Band Density of States of the Iron Silicides Studied by Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
- Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopic Analysis of Pt Silicides (Pt_2Si, PtSi)
- Ni-Silicide Formation : Dependence on Crystallographic Orientation of Si Substrates
- Valence Band Density of States of Palladium Silicides Studied by X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES)
- Nondestructive Depth Profiling Using Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy by Incident Angle Variation Method
- Soft X-Ray Spectroscopic Analysis of Ni-Silicides
- FDTD Analysis of a Near-Field Optical Fiber Probe with a Double Tapered Structure(Special Issue on Near-Field Optics and Its Applications)
- The Multicanonical Weighted Histogram Analysis Method for the Free Energy Landscape along Structural Transition Paths
- Spatial Resolution of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy with Sub-Wavelength Aperture
- Tsukuba GPS Dense Net Campaign Observation : Improvement in GPS Analysis of Slant Path Delay by Stacking One-way Postfit Phase Residuals (1.Ground-Based GPS Meteorology)
- The Meso-γ scale Water Vapor Distribution Associated with a Thunderstorm Calculated from a Dense Networks of GPS Receivers (3.Application of GPS Data to Atmospheric Science)
- Impacts of GPS-derived Water Vapor and Radical Wind Measured by Doppler Radar on Numerical Prediction of Precipitation (3.Application of GPS Data to Atmospheric Science)
- An Evaluation of Atmospheric Models for GPS data Retrieval by Output from a Numerical Weather Model (1.Ground-Based GPS Meteorology)
- Dry Biases of Humidity Measurements from the Vaisala RS80-A and Meisei RS2-91 Radiosondes and from Ground-Based GPS (1.Ground-Based GPS Meteorology)
- B K Emission and Absorption Spectra of Lab_6,SmB_6 and EuB_6
- Universal Finite-Size Scaling Function of the Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain in a Magnetic Field. II : Nonlinear Susceptibility
- Universal Finite-Size Scaling Function of the Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain in a Magnetic Field
- Dielectric Relaxation Measurements of Hydrated Powder at Subzero Temperatures by Time-Domain Reflectometry : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Nature of the Charge Destribution in Proteins.II.Effect of Atomic Partial Charges on Ionic Charges
- 26p-N-17 β-Mnの偏極中性子散乱
- 28p-ZJ-9 TbMn_2の磁性に及ぼす不純物効果
- Nondestructive Observation of Si_Ge_/Ge/ Si_Ge_x Heterostructure Using Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
- Thermally Stimulated Exoelectron Emission in KCl: Tl, KCl: Cu and Undoped KCl
- Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (SXES) Study of the Valence Band Electronic Structure of a Au-Si Alloy
- Valence Band Electronic State of Transition-Metal Silicide TiSi_2 Studied by Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (SXES)
- Construction of a Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (SXES) Apparatus and Its Application for Study of Electronic and Atomic Structures of a Multilayer System
- Contribution of the Si s Electronic State to the Density of State of CoSi_2 at Fermi Energy by Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
- Evidence of Magnetic Ordering in Heavy-Fermion Compound CeAl_3
- On the Mechanisms of Exoelectron Emission from Alkali Halides X-Irradiated at Low Temperatures
- Radiative Decay of Sm 4d-Hole States in Mixed-Valence SmB_6
- Rare-Earth N_ Emission Spectra of Some Rare-Earth Hexaborides
- Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of LiH
- X-Ray Photoemission and X-Ray Emission Spectra in Rare-Earth Trifluorides
- Energy Spectra of Thermally Stimulated Exoelectrons from KCl:TI X-Irradiated at 77K
- Sm M_ Spectra of Metallic Samarium and Samarium Hexaboride
- X-Ray Photoelectron Spectra of NaNO_2 and KNO_2
- Valence Band and Conduction Band Spectra of Transition-Metal Disulfides : COMBINED USE OF X-RAY EMISSION AND ABSORPTION SPECTRA
- 5p→3d X-Ray Emission Spectra under the X-Ray Excitation in LaF_3, La_2O_3 and CeF_3
- Scattering of Elastic Waves by a Particle in Solid Medium
- Phonon Conduction in Polyethylene
- A general ab initio approach for free energy landscapes of biological molecules around the transition states : Fusion of the classical molecular mechanics simulation and the quantum chemical calculation
- Construction of Grazing Incidence Soft X-Ray Spectrometer with Concave Grating without Entrance Slit
- X-Ray Cl L_ Spectra and Electronic Structures of Transition-Metal Dichlorides
- Widths of Ti Kβ_ X-Ray Lines of Metallic Titanium and Its Oxides
- The Multicanonical Weighted Histogram Analysis Method for the Free Energy Landscape along Structural Transition Paths
- Spatial Resolution of Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy with Sub-Wavelength Aperture
- Soft X-Ray Emission Spectra of B $K$ and Si $L_{2,3}$ in B–Si–Ge Alloys
- Soft X-Ray Emission Spectra of B $K$ and Si $L_{2,3}$ in B–Si–Ge Alloys